



时间:2016-06-18      阅读:138



高压 橡胶软接头又叫做橡胶管软接头,柔性橡胶接头,橡胶软接头,可曲挠橡胶接头,高压橡胶接头,橡胶减震器,补偿器,避震喉等。按连接方式分松套法兰式、固定法兰式和螺纹式3种;按结构可分为单球体、双球体、异径体、弯球体及风压盘管等5种。由内外层胶、帘布层和钢丝圈 组成管状橡胶件,经硫化成型后再与金属法兰或平行接头松套组合而成。


高压橡胶软接头可降低振动及噪声,并可对因温度变化引起的热胀冷缩起补偿作用,广泛应用于各种管道系统。可曲挠橡胶接头,简称橡胶接头,橡胶软接头是由织物增强的橡胶件与平形活 接头、套金属法兰或螺纹管法兰组成,用于管道隔振降噪、补偿位移的接头。它是一种高弹性、 高气密性、耐介质性和耐气候性的管道接头。

建筑消防设施指建(构)筑物内设置的火灾自动报警系统、自动喷水灭火系统、消火栓系统等用于防范和扑救建(构)筑物火灾的设备设施的总称。常用的有火灾自动报警系统、自动喷水灭火 系统、消火栓系统、气体灭火系统、泡沫灭火系统、干粉灭火系统、防烟排烟系统、安全疏散系统等。它是保证建筑物消防安全和人员疏散安全的重要设施,是现代建筑的重要组成部分。对保 护建筑起到了重要的作用,有效的保护了公民的生命安全和国家财产的安全。

我国建筑消防设施立法起步较晚,但发展很快,在1987年后颁布的《建筑设计防火规范》等一系列消防技术法规中,规定了在一些高层建筑、地下建筑和大体量的建筑中,强制设置自动消防设施和消防控制室。二十年来,在扑救建筑火灾中发挥了巨大的作用,有效的保护了公民的生命安 全和国家财产的安全。


High pressure soft rubber joints is also called rubber hose joint, flexible rubber joints, rubber flexible joint, flexible rubber joint, high pressure rubber joints, rubber shock absorber, compensator, shockproof throat. According to the connecting method of sub loose flange type, fixed flange type and screw type 3; according to the structure can be divided into 5 types: single ball, double ball, different diameter body, curved sphere and wind pressure coil. By the inside and outside layer of glue, ply and a steel wire ring composed of tubular rubber parts, after vulcanization molding again and metal flange or parallel joints loose combination sets and.

High pressure soft rubber joints can reduce vibration and noise, and the thermal expansion due to temperature change caused by the shrinkage compensation action. It is widely used in a variety of pipe system. Can be flexible rubber joint, referred to as rubber joints, rubber flexible connector is composed of a fabric reinforced rubber and flat shaped movable joint, metal flange or threaded pipe flange, joint for pipeline vibration and noise reduction, compensation displacement. It is a kind of high elasticity, high air tightness, medium resistance and weather resistance of the pipe joints.

The construction of fire facilities refers to the building (structure) building material is arranged in the fire automatic alarm system, automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, fire hydrant system for preventing and fighting built (structure) to build a fire equipment and facilities in general. Commonly used with automatic fire alarm system, automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, fire hydrant system, gas fire extinguishing system, foam fire extinguishing systems, dry powder fire extinguishing system, anti smoke exhaust system, safety evacuation system. It is an important facility to ensure fire safety and evacuation safety of buildings, and is an important part of modern architecture. It has played an important role in the protection of buildings, effectively protecting the safety of citizens' lives and the safety of state property.

China building fire protection facilities legislation start late, but the development very fast, in 1987 after the promulgation of "code for fire protection design of buildings" a series of fire protection technical regulations, the provisions of the in some high-rise buildings, underground buildings and large volume of construction, forced to set up automatic fire facilities and fire control room. In the twenty years, it has played a huge role in fighting the building fires, which effectively protect the life safety of citizens and the safety of the state property.

Economically developed countries building fire protection facilities construction is relatively mature, such as the United States legislation in 1904, compulsory modern building fire safety facilities, according to the American Society of fire statistics, last 69 years, installation building automatic fire facilities, fire, fire facilities, the effective rate up to 96.1%. Does play a role in ensuring the safety of building fire.

上一篇:海水处理管道用橡胶接头,松江橡胶软接头 下一篇:内衬聚四氟乙烯挠性软接头,橡胶膨胀节国家标准
