面议日本AND MS/MX/MF/ML 快速水份测定仪
面议HACH哈希HQ Series多参数水质测量仪Multi
面议美国YSI ProQuatro多参数水质分析仪
面议美国Sensidyne Gilibrator-2流量校正系统校准器
面议多量程数显电子皂膜流量计SCal Plus
面议美国维赛YSI ProDSS便携式多参数水质测量仪
备件货号 | 仪器型号 | 中文描述 | 英文描述 |
LZP277 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 卤素灯 | Halogen Lamp for Amtax Inter2 and Phosphax Inter2 |
LZP303 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 快速接头 | Quick-release connectors (set with 4 pieces) |
LZP348 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 外部墙面安装接头 | Connector on the outer wall (set with three pieces) |
LZP363 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 光学模块 | Optic block |
LZP366 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 比色池 | Through flow cuvette 3 mm for AMTAX inter 2 - 20 |
LZP373 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 溢流管 | Flowthrough cuvette for Amtax Inter2 2 & Phosphax Inter2 |
LZP379 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 清洗溶液的瓶盖(带吸入管) |
LZP380 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 搅拌器密封塞和O型圈 | Stirrer vessel with sealing plug and O-ring |
LZP382 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 样品计量管,1根 | Sample metering hose, single |
LZP384 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 阀软管 | Valve hose |
LZP386 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 电磁搅拌棒 | Solenoid stirring stick |
LZP633 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 消解池支架 | Cuvette holder |
LZP639 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 灯板 | Lamp card |
LZP683 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 灯电缆 | Lamp cable |
LZP693 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 搅拌器马达总成 | Stirrer motor complete |
LZP790 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 比色池 | Through flow cuvette 2 mm for AMTAX inter 2 - 80 |
LZP849 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 双通道奔头 | Pump head two-channel |
LZP850 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 单通道泵头 | Pump head one-channel |
LZP872 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 单通道泵轴 | Pump rollers (8 off) one-channel |
LZP873 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 双通道泵轴 | Pump rollers (8 off) two-channel |
LZP885 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 测量过滤器(775nm) | Measuring filter (775 nm) |
LZP952 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 标准溶液和零点标液的瓶盖(带吸入管) |
LZP977 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 变压器盖 | Transformer cover |
LZP978 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 键盘 | Membrane keyboard with graphics |
LZP980 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 铰链 | Hinge |
LZP987 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 试剂筒A和B的瓶盖(带吸入管) | Canister cap |
LZV009 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 搅拌器马达 | Stirrer motor |
LZV052 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 空心螺栓 | Hollow bolt |
LZV128 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 门锁 | Door lock |
LZV277 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 单通道一年维护管路 | Set of hoses for one year, 1 channel operation |
LZV278 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 双通道一年维护管路 | Set of tubes foe one year |
LZV281 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 年易损套件(单通道) | set of wearing part / AMTAXinter 2 |
LZV284 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 总线 | Bus cabel |
LZV291 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 光度计,2、20mg/l | Photometer for Amtax Inter2 2&20 |
LZV292 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 量程80mg光度计总成 | Photometer housing |
LZV678 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | Baysilon润滑剂/中性黏度 | Baysilon paste, medium viscosity |
YAA249 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 光度计板 | Photometer card |
YAA372 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 灯板,2、20、80mg/l | Lamp Board for Amtax Inter2 |
YAA995 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 转换板(显示器和键盘) | interface converter card |
ZDA390 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 样品捏阀 |
ZDA394 | Amtax inter2 氨氮分析仪 | 2/2清洗液捏阀、零点标液捏阀、标准溶液捏阀 |