德国Limitor GmbH温度保护开关热保护器 Y系列 40-150°C 6.5A (Y82)

德国Limitor GmbH温度保护开关热保护器 Y系列 40-150°C 6.5A (Y82)

参考价: 面议

2022-08-22 19:13:22







Bimetallic switch Y

Area of Application
The current and temperature limiter Y is used wherever, on one hand, protection against overtemperatures as well as against overcurrents is required, and on the other hand, automatic switch on function of the device to be protected - subsequent to a follow-on cooling down period - is prohibited or undesired.
Mounting brackets or clips available.

The current and temperature limiter Y operates current sensitiv. Temperature detection is realized by bimetal disk which was first dimensioned in accordance with the required cut-off temperature. When this fixed cut-off temperature TA is reached, this bimetal disk will snap , breaking a contact system and thereby interrupting the electric circuit of the device to be protected.

Current sensitivity
In the case of an obvious current increase (blocking current or short-circuit current) a resistor, lying in series with the contact system inside the limiter, heats the bimetal disk to its cut-off temperature TA very quickly. When this cut-off temperature TA is reached, the bimetal disk will snaps suddenly and breaks the contacts of the switch. To get an optimal adjustment in accordance to the application there are wide range of resistor values are available.

Self-holding function
By means of a resistor heat is generated by the supply voltage applied after breaking the contact. This heat prevents any decrease in temperature below the value necessary for the cut-in temperature TE. In this was, the switch will keep its contact open, irrespective of its ambient temperature. Cut-in of the switch, and thus closing the circuit, will be possible only after disconnection from the supply voltage.
nom. breaking capacity: 250 V; 2,5 (1,0) A / 60 Hz
min. current: 5 V / 20 mA
max. breaking capacity: 2,5 A cos Φ 1,00 / 250 V, 150°C, 3000 cycles
3,0 A cos Φ 0,45 / 230 V, 135°C, 3000 cycles
4,0 A cos Φ 0,45 / 230 V, 135°C, 2000 cycles
6,5 A cos Φ 1,00 / 120 V, 120°C, 100 cycles
max. current value in reference to tripping resitor value
(table-sheet: trip current/resistor value)
switching temperature: 40°C – 120°C (150°C), ±5 K
max. ambient temperature: 160°C
type of action: 1.C (3000 cycles)
2.C (max. drift ±5 K)
holding resistor: 0,1 kΩ– 60 kΩ, take note of safety instruction*
trigger resistor: 0,05Ω – 400Ω
approvals: VDE (EN 60730), UL, (2111) conform to RoHS
德国勒密拖 Limitor GmbH 品牌介绍
Limitor GmbH 是一家定时开关、 温度传感器、 温度保险丝、 温度开关、 温度限制器、 绝缘套管、 限流器的德国制造商,始于1979年。勒密拖 Limitor GmbH的高温、超高温领域的温度开关热保护产品处于水平。

上一篇:高低温模组和普通模组区别 下一篇:6%鲁尔圆锥接头多功能测试仪 操作简单易学 上海理涛自动化科技有限公司


