兰化所 AT·PONA分析柱 气相色谱柱
面议兰化所 NO2-Toluene 硝基甲苯分析柱 气相色谱柱
面议兰化所 脂肪酸甲酯分析 柱 气相色谱柱
面议兰化所 变压器油分析 填充柱 气相色谱柱
面议兰化所气相色谱柱 苯系物分析 填充色谱柱
面议SGE BP5MS 气相色谱柱 毛细管柱 5%苯基二甲基聚硅氧烷
面议【SGE】054259 BP10 (1701)–14%氰丙基苯基聚硅氧烷 气相色谱柱
面议【SGE】054580 BPX90–90%氰丙聚硅亚苯基-硅氧烷 气相色谱柱
面议【SGE】原装_054622 BPX70 – 70%氰丙基聚硅苯-硅氧烷 气相色谱柱
面议【SGE】054471 BP21–硝基对苯二酸改性的聚乙二醇 气相色谱柱
面议【SGE】054433 BP20 (Wax) – 聚乙二醇 气相色谱柱
面议【SGE】054840 BP624 饮用水中的目标成分的分析 气相色谱柱
面议SUPELCO Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA手性气相色谱柱 毛细管柱
Incorporates a phase consisting of a 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-trifluoroacetyl derivative of γ-cyclodextrin.
Trifluoroacetylation of the 3 position hydroxyl groups after pentylation of the 2,6 hydroxyl groups creates a phase with high selectivity for oxygen containing analytes in the form of alcohols, ketones, acids, aldehydes, lactones, and halogenated compounds.
Useful for homologous series of:
Mechanism Observations:
Strong dipole-dipole interactionsLonger alkyl chain; greater retention; increase in enantioselectivity up to C4/C5Halogens known to favor cavity interaction
Dipole-dipole interactions are commonly identified in the mechanism of separation for TA phases. In a homologous series of alkane enantiomers, identical alpha values are observed regardless of chain length or branching indicating only 1 or 2 carbons may be contributing to chiral recognition. Alpha values are greatly affected by size and polarity of the head group. Functional groups like epoxides, amino alcohols and alcohols can dictate the cyclodextrin selection. Aldehydes, carboxylic acids and epoxides separate better on the gamma while alcohols, alcohol amines and other linear molecules separate better on the beta derivative.
Included in GC Screening Kit 71030AST.
SUPELCO Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA手性气相色谱柱 毛细管柱 订货信息:
Product # | Description |
73031AST | Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA 毛细管气相色谱柱 L × I.D. 10m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm |
73032AST | Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA 毛细管气相色谱柱 L × I.D. 20m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm |
73033AST | Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA 毛细管气相色谱柱 L × I.D. 30m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm |
73034AST | Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA 毛细管气相色谱柱 L × I.D. 40m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm |
73035AST | Astec CHIRALDEX G-TA 毛细管气相色谱柱 L × I.D. 50m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm |