Painting painting is the process of forming a paint film on a workpiece. the operator uses a variety of spray guns to mix the paint with thesolvent asa thinner, atomizes it and then sprays it onto the workpiece to form a faint film on the workp i ece.
The two-phase floating material formed by the coating and solvent atomization in the painting operation escapes into the surrounding air and pol lutesthe air. this polluted airnot only endangers the health of the operator but also poses a risk of fire and explos ion; inaddition, deter iora-tion. of the pa-int environment can also degrade the quality of the paint film. the collection and separation of paint mist in the polluted air is the main method to im-prove the quality of the paint and improve the paint environment to meet the envi ronmntal discharge requir ements.
The small spray water treatment dev ice (here inafter referred to as the water curtain machine) is a special environmental protection device for p-rovi-ding painting work. its fun-ction is to limit the paint mist generated during the painting process to a certain area and to be treated. it can protectthe safety of operators, control the exhaust emissio -ms of pa inting operat ions, meet env ironmental emi ss ion requi rements, and protect the envi ronment fr-om pollut ion.