维萨拉 K-PATENTS® 炼化专用在线折光仪 PR-23-RP

维萨拉 K-PATENTS® 炼化专用在线折光仪 PR-23-RP

参考价: 面议

2022-09-29 12:59:45





维萨拉 K-PATENTS® 在线折光仪 PR-23-G 属于重型炼油厂设备,旨在满足精炼及石油行业的要求。典型准确测量液体浓度的应用包括,例如烷基化过程中的硫酸;气体处理中的乙二醇、胺或氢氧化钾(KOH);密闭输送过程中的多产品(原油、燃料油、柴油)界面以及精炼工艺流程中的润滑油。折光仪传感器可以直接通过法兰安装,也可以通过 1 英寸、2 英寸或 3 英寸流通池安装在工艺流程中。PR-23-......


Designed for harsh environments
Vaisala K-PATENTS Refinery Process Refractometer PR-23-RP combines advanced CCD-camera technology with a rugged steel sensor probe. The probe is a non-weld sensor body model for large pipe and vessel installations. Designed for demanding process conditions, high temperatures, pressure and vibration.

Special wetted parts materials are available for harsh environments and aggressive process fluids.
Easy and cost effective to install and operate
Process Refractometer PR-23-RP is installed in the main processing line, bypass line or vessel either directly by welding stud, or via a 1 inch, 2 inch or 3 inch cross flow cell

PR-23-RP includes an Ethernet based communications solution which allows connection to computer networks and to the Internet. Real-time measurement data and diagnostic information may be obtained through this interface, and this makes it also a valuable service tool for parameter changes and software updates.

The refractometer has no lamps or moving parts requiring regular maintenance or recalibration. Users can simply 'install-and-forget', getting a low total cost of ownership.
Industry expertise and supply of engineered solutions, services and vendor documentation
The refinery instrument models range from compact probe models for small pipeline and bypass lines to rugged heavy-duty long probe versions for large pipe line, vessel and reactor installations.

When standard models are not sufficient to fulfill requirements, please consult the factory for engineered solutions, e.g. special wetted materials or custom mounting accessories and process connections.

Vaisala also provides full range of start-up, commissioning and technical support services to our customers. Our oil and gas industry expertise includes supply of extensive vendor documentation that is tailored and applied to each contract and client specific data requirements.
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