

参考价: 面议

2022-08-17 12:49:58





产品名称:FDT(柜式)玻璃钢低噪音离心通风机产品简介: 该系列风机其外壳采用玻璃钢复合材质,增加耐腐蚀性。提高风机的整体防腐蚀性能、抗老化性能。产品用途: 此款风机具有抗强酸、强碱、盐、氨、氯离子等优点,适合各种恶劣环境下使用。产品优势:该系列风机具有整体设计美观大方、风量大、机械振动小、噪音低、不易老化、寿命长等特点。适用场合:广泛应用于宾馆、酒楼厨房、商场、影剧院、写字楼、地......


  • FDT(柜式)玻璃钢低噪音离心通风机

  • FDT low noise centifucial fan lcabinec

    FDT(cabinet) glass steel low noise centrifugal fan from domesticcabinet fan strengths, combined with our years of careful research and improvement of wind cabinet, with advanced technology and exquisite design of rich experience and excellent mechanical structure andmanufacturing. Its shell is made ofFRP composite material to increase corrosion resistance. The overall corrosion resistance and aging resistance of the fan are improved. This series of fans have the features of beautiful and generous design, large air volume, small mechanical vibration, low noise, easy aging, longlife and so on. It is widely used in hotels, restaurant, shopping malls, theater, office buildings, basement, central air conditioning, engineering refrigeration and other places.
机 号
功 率
转 速
流 量
全 压
9" 0.55 800 1590-2676 141-86
0.75 900 1790-3010 178-110
1.1 1200 2386-4014 317-195
1.5 1400 2784-4683 432-266
10" 0.75 800 2238-3760 177-108
1.1 900 2514-4230 224-138
1.5 1200 3352-5640 398-245
2.2 1400 3911-6580 542-334
12" 1.1 800 3771-6344 251-154
1.5 900 4243-7137 318-196
2.2 1200 5657-9516 565-348
3 1400 6000-11102 769-474
15" 1.5 600 4607-7749 196-121
2.2 720 5528-9288 282-174
3 850 6526-10977 393-242
4 900 6910-11623 441-272
18" 2.2 600 7733-13007 284-176
3 720 9279-15608 408-253
4 800 10310-17342 504-312
5.5 830 10697-17993 543-336
20" 3 560 9196-15469 290-200
4 610 10017-16850 345-237
5.5 720 11824-19889 480-330
7.5 800 13137-22098 539-407
22" 4 600 14026-23590 422-273
5.5 650 15195-25556 495-320
7.5 720 16831-28308 607-393
11 800 18701-31453 750-485
25" 5.5 520 16896-28416 373-219
7.5 580 18845-31694 464-272
11 650 21120-35520 583-342
15 720 23394-39345 715-419
28" 7.5 500 21224-35696 422-262
11 560 23771-39980 529-328
15 600 25469-42836 608-377
18.5 650 27591-46405 713-442
22 720 30562-51403 875-542
30" 11 520 27958-47022 551-341
15 560 30108-50639 639-395
18.5 580 31183-53563 685-424
22 610 32796-55160 758-469
30 650 34947-58777 860-532
33" 11 400 27840-45800 424-290
15 450 31320-51530 545-367
18.5 500 34800-57260 680-453
22 550 38280-62980 822-548
30 600 41760-68700 970-652
37 630 43850-72140 1080-719
36" 15 350 31490-51810 396-264
18.5 400 35990-59210 518-344
22 450 40490-66610 654-436
30 500 44990-74010 808-538
37 550 49490-81420 970-651
45 580 51280-85855 1086-723

外形及安装尺寸示意图 Lnstallation size diagram


产品为人工实物测量会有一定误差,相关数据仅作参考,以收到的实物为准。 单位Unit: mm(毫米)

外形尺寸 出风口 进风口 基础尺寸
NO 长B1 宽w1 横B 竖A 横B 竖A B2机架螺丝孔 W2 H1 孔径 脚架
H B型 (内置) A型(外置) B型 (内置 A型(外置 180° Φ H2
9” 510 800 530 710 320 265 596 396 520 310 760 247 263 13 50
10” 560 860 600 760 350 290 646 446 580 380 810 265 2 95 13 50
12” 650 920 680 860 410 345 756 536 640 460 910 290 360 13 50
15” 740 1030 760 980 470 405 866 626 750 540 1030 319 421 13 50
18” 870 1160 890 1100 550 490 966 736 880 650 1150 357 503 13 50
20” 1020 1280 1000 1180 620 550 1046 886 960 760 1230 400 620 15 63
22” 1100 1380 1070 1280 700 610 1146 966 1060 820 1330 429 671 15 63
25” 1230 1480 1170 1400 780 680 1266 1096 1160 910 1460 447 763 15 63
28” 1340 1600 1270 1540 860 750 1406 1206 1230 1000 1600 505 835 17 80
30” 1440 1710 1360 1640 920 810 1506 1306 1340 1090 1700 536 901 17 80
33” 1570 1900 1480 1750 1000 880 1616 1436 1530 1210 1810 569 1001 17 80
36” 1710 1980 1580 1880 1080 960 1746 1576 1600 1300 1940 616 1094 19 100

上一篇:FFU风机过滤单元使用注意事项 下一篇:离心式风机噪声源及降噪方法
热线电话 在线询价
