

参考价: 面议

2022-08-17 13:07:13





产品名称:PVC4-72A型聚氯乙烯离心通风机产品简介: 该系列风机采用参照金属4-72性能参数采用硬聚氯乙烯板,加热压模焊接而成。产品用途: 可输送含酸碱成分及化学成分的腐蚀性有毒气体。产品优势:该系列风机具有耐化学腐蚀、不易老化、比重小、机械振动小、噪音低、运转平稳等特点,是一种较为理想的通用型防腐风机。适用场合:广泛应用于化工、电镀、氧化、发电厂、化 验室、线路板、环保设备等......


  • PVC4-72A型聚氯乙烯离心通风机

  • PVC4-72A series of centrifugal fan

    PVC4-72 type PVC centrifugal fan is made of hard PVC plate and heated die welding with reference to the performance parameters of metal 4-72. It iswidely used in ventilation, such as scientific research, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electronics, medicine, textile, instrumentation, electroplating, mining, school hotels, hotels, laboratories, environmental protection equipment and other industries. But it is not allowed to transport corrosive gases such as halogen derivatives and ketones containing aromatic compounds, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It has the characteristics of chemical corrosion resistance, not easy aging, small specific gravity, small mechanical vibration, low noise, smooth operation and so on. The gas is not allowed to contain viscous substances, dust and hard particles is less than or equal to 150mg/m3, the gas temperature are less than 50, the relative humidity is less than 99%. And avoid sun exposure, no heat source near the fan site.
机 号
功 率
转 速
流 量
全 压
2.8A 0.75 1450 565-1178 288-126
3.2A 0.75 1450 844-1758 324-198
3.6A 1.1 1450 1332-2634 393-247
4A 1.1 1450 2006-3700 501-329
4.5A 1.5 1450 2856-5281 634-416
5A 2.2 1450 3864-7728 790-502
6A 5.5 1450 7010-14020 1196-760
4 1450 6677-13353 1139-724
1.5 960 4420-8841 498-317
7A 7.5 1450 10602-21204 1550-984
3 960 7312-14623 736-468
8A 5.5 960 14052-18213 752-572

外形及安装尺寸示意图 Lnstallation size diagram

宝贝为人工实物测量会有一定误差,以收到的宝贝为准。 单位Unit: mm(毫米)

机 号
进风口 Air inlet 出风口 Vent 外形尺寸 Shape size 底架尺寸 Bottom frame size
NO Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 A1 A2 B1 B2 H1 H2 L5 L6 L7 L8 L1 L2 L3 L4 L9 N
2.8A 178 223 273 187 264 215 281 293 633 510 214 290 504 325 367 207 219 405 M12
3.2A 197 247 297 212 301 240 330 313 707 512 236 304 540 335 367 225 219 414 M12
3.6A 216 271 321 240 338 273 372 348 781 545 272 342 631 389 427 246 227 464 M12
4A 245 295 345 267 375 304 413 383 855 610 308 380 686 443 487 260 235 464 M12
4.5A 274 319 369 294 402 345 457 428 982 643 343 417 760 483 525 260 242 514 M12
5A 330 375 421 321 429 385 500 467 1065 620 374 466 987 498 548 260 360 588 M12
6A 395 458 480 408 520 463 574 548 1267 705 443 482 1025 535 585 280 425 673 M12
7A 443 498 553 406 519 478 584 629 1469 790 512 498 1063 587 645 320 490 758 M12
8A 499 599 619 467 582 553 653 710 1671 875 581 514 1100 639 705 320 555 843 M12

上一篇:离心通风机介绍 下一篇:离心通风机的维护要领
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