This is our estimated repair price for your GRAYHILL 6428PO PH SENSOR based on previous repairs of similar GRAYHILL PH计探头6428PO units.
3E Services estimates your repair price of the GREAT LAKES INSTR. 6428PO PH SENSOR based on numerous repairs of similar GREAT LAKES INSTR. 6428PO PH SENSOR units. Once received a firm quote will be faxed or ed to you upon completion of our free evaluation. We do not start any chargeable work without your authorization. We will beat any repair pricing by 10% that is advertised online or printed catalog as carrying our same 2 year warranty. If you would like us to evaluate your GREAT LAKES INSTR. PH计探头6428PO PH SENSOR please call us at 888-966-0663 or select the "Click for Quote" link above to send your GREAT LAKES INSTR. 6428PO PH SENSOR to us for the free evaluation.