1BZ 系列液压偏置重耙对粘重土壤、荒地和杂草多的地块具有很强的耕作能力,主要适用于农田耕前灭茬,破除地表板结,秸杆切碎还田,耕后碎土,平整保墒等项工作,重型圆盘耙在熟地上亦可代替犁进行土壤耕翻作业。
1BZ series of Hydraulic offset heavy disc harrow is well suitable for heavy clay soil, waste land and weedy field as well, mainly suitable for stubble cleaning before farming , it can break the hardened soil and return the chopped straw to the soil, and also can crash the soil after tillage and level the land. The heavy-duty disc harrow can c*te the soil instead of plow.