特点 Features: 我公司从上世纪60年代起,一直从事显微硬度计的研究和制造,企业改制后重新在光、机、电一体化的工作原理上采用*的精密稳定的技术设计,压头与物镜改成自动转换,定位精确到位,尤其是打表面涂层热处理的滲碳层淬火硬化层零件的深度测量起到定位准确无误,同时物镜观察材料金相组织成像更清晰,用于汽车制造、金属材料加工、轴承、热处理、科研单位、大专院校等领域,已是无法计数,在享有一定的声誉. Features & Applications Since 1963, our company has been engaging in research and manufacture of micro hardness testers for more than 40 years. The new series of HX-1000TM / HXD-1000TM testers was developed in 2000. it is composed of precision mechanism, optical and modern electronics. It features the good quality of image due to the excellent objective. It is well applicable to measure the hardness of determined point by virtue of the program-controlled turret of precision location, e.g. in case depth analyzing. It is mainly used (1) To determine micro hardness of finished surface of small-size or sheet-like parts, micro hardness of superficial layers suchas electroplated, carburized, nitrided and cyanided layers, and micro hardness of brittle materials such as glass, agate, ceramics and other non-metallic materials; (2) As a metallurgical microscope, i.e. to examine and take photograph of microstructure of materials and also to determine micro hardness of the phase structure for analytical purpose. It is widely used in physicochemical, heat treatment and quality-control departments of various industries such as machine-building, auto-building, bearing and material, and in colleges, universities and institutes 技术规格