DFB QCL laser DFB型量子级联激光器,用于气体光谱研究或者气体跟踪,具有优良的单模特性,窄线宽,以及通过温度或者电流调节波长等特性。可工作于连续或者脉冲模式。
For gaz spectroscopy or trace gaz detection, single-mode, well-defined narrow linewidth lasers with precise tunability are required. For this purpose, quantum cascade lasers are built with a grating in the cavity that allow to exhibit an excellent single-mode behavior. DFB-QCLs can be precisely tuned with temperature (slow tuning) or current (quick tuning), and deliver a reasonable amount of output power.
- Room temperature or Cryogenic operation
- Output power:
- Average: 2 - 10 mW
- Peak : 100 - 500 mW
- Beam divergence (full angle):
- 60° perpendicular
- 40° parallel