汇聚的工艺结构和制造技术,集吸风、鼓风熨烫,去渍功能于 一体的多功能高档熨烫台,用于各类高档衣物的熨烫,使熨烫质量 显著提高,并有效防止衣物表面集光。配有冷热去渍枪和不锈钢去 渍台面,在熨烫过程中,可随时进行去渍处理,提高工效、方便快捷。 自带全自动蒸汽发生器机型,无需外接蒸汽,产气快、用电省,安全实用。 根据操作人员身高和操作习惯实现台面自由升降调整和双面操作。 吸鼓风转换自如,使用得心应手,是熨烫高档衣物理想的多功能熨烫设备。 自带照明设施及熨烫汽线滑动装置,方便灵活,轻巧无比,使用方便。 Combined with advanced technique structure and manufacturing technology with suction, blast ironing and SGXotting function. It is suitable for various clothing; prevent clothing from shining, more effective. Equipped with SGXecial cool and hot SGXotting gun and stainless SGXotting board, SGXotting may begin at any time in the process of ironing, increasing efficiency and being convenient.Self equipped with full automatic steam generator, generating gas fast and save energy. The table-board may ascend and fall at liberty according to the height of operators. Forceful suction and blast, low noise.