德国-URACA PUMP P3-10系列、P3-15系列

德国-URACA PUMP P3-10系列、P3-15系列

参考价: 面议

2024-08-10 08:23:44





Triplex Plunger Pump P3-10系列The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-10 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main applications are in industry and service sector. Process pump P3-......


Triplex Plunger Pump P3-10系列

The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-10 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main applications are in industry and service sector. Process pump P3-10 with customized liquid end is used for handling thin liquids to pasty substances with aggressive, neutral, abrasive, hot or toxic properties. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.

Hochdruck Dreiplunger-Pumpe P max. 38 kW

Die robuste Verdrängerpumpe P3-10 ist in unterschiedlichen Antriebs- und Flüssigkeitsteil-Varianten erhältlich. Haupt-Einsatzgebiete sind in Industrie und Dienstleistung. Als Prozesspumpe wird die P3-10 mit individuell angepasstem Flüssigkeitsteil zum Fördern von dünnflüssigen, pastösen, aggressiven, neutralen, abrasiven, sehr heißen oder toxischen Medien eingesetzt. Die ausgereifte Pumpenkonstruktion führt zu geringem Energieverbrauch durch hohe mechanische Wirkungsgrade bei verschleißarmem Betrieb. 

High pressure triplex plunger pump P max. 38 kW

The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-10 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main applications are in industry and service sector. Process pump P3-10 with customized liquid end is used for handling thin liquids to pasty

substances with aggressive, neutral, abrasive, hot or toxic properties. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency,

based on a sophisticated pump conception. 

URACA p3-10.png

Triplex Plunger Pump P3-15

The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-15 is available in various drive configurations. Main applications in sewer cleaning business and service sector. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.

Hochdruck Dreiplunger-Pumpe P max. 61 kW

Die robuste Verdrängerpumpe P3-15 ist in unterschiedlichen Antriebsvarianten erhältlich. Haupt-Einsatzgebiete sind in Kanalreinigung und Dienstleistung.

Die ausgereifte Pumpenkonstruktion führt zu geringem Energieverbrauch durch hohe mechanische Wirkungsgrade bei verschleißarmem Betrieb.

High pressure triplex plunger pump P max. 61 kW

The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-15 is available in various drive configurations. Main applications in sewer cleaning business and service sector.

Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency,

based on a sophisticated pump conception.

URACA p3-15.png

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