Mitochondria Isolation Kit 原装现货

Pierce 89874-Mitochondria Isolation Kit 原装现货

参考价: 面议

2022-06-20 14:55:24





产品名称:Mitochondria Isolation Kit
货号:Pierce 89874


产品名称:Mitochondria Isolation Kit
货号:Pierce 89874
The Thermo Scientific Mitochondria Isolation Kit for Cultured Cells provides a versatile, microcentrifuge-tube method for fractionating intact mitochondria from cultured mammalian cell samples in about 40 minutes.
Isolation of mitochondria is typically a laborious process requiring single-sample processing with Dounce homogenization. The Mitochondria Isolation Kit uses a non-mechanical, reagent-based method that allows multiple (six) cultured cell samples to be processed concurrently in about 40 minutes. Cultured mammalian cell pellets are gently lysed using a proprietary formulation that results in maximum yield of mitochondria with minimal damage to integrity. The product instructions describe guidelines for optimizing purity vs. yield parameters. The kit also offers an optimized Dounce homogenization procedure, which results in two-fold greater mitochondria recovery compared to the reagent-based method. Both methods use differential centrifugation to separate the mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions with a benchtop microcentrifuge and are completed in approximay 40 minutes (post-cell harvest). Once isolated, the mitochondria can be used in downstream applications such as apoptosis, signal transduction and metabolic studies, as well as to facilitate mitochondrial proteomics efforts.
Fast – isolate intact mitochondria from 20 million cells in approximay 40 minutes (post-cell harvest)
Flexible – process several samples simultaneously using the reagent-based method, or obtain highest possible yield with the Dounce homogenization method
Optimizable – guidelines provided for optimizing purity vs. yield with the reagent-based method
Benchtop-easy – isolation performed in a microcentrifuge tube
Compatible – isolated mitochondria may be lysed with detergent or processed for almost any downstream application, including 2D electrophoresis
Product Details:
Integrity of mitochondria extracted from cultured cells. C6 cells were extracted with Thermo Scientific Mitochondria Isolation Kit using the reagent-based method (A and B) or Dounce homogenization (C and D). Mitochondrial (M) and cytosolic (C) fractions were analyzed via Western blot for cytochrome C (A and C) or voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) (B and D). Thermo Scientific SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (Part No. 34080) was used for detection. Results indicate that mitochondria remained intact.

名称 厂商 货号 规格 目录价
Mitochondria Isolation Kit  Pierce 89874 KIT 2406
Chemilumi-Nucleic Acid Detection Kit/化学发光核酸检测试剂盒 Pierce 89880 EACH 3986
Zeba Desalt Spin Columns, 0.5 ML Pierce 89882 25 PACK 958
Zeba Desalt Spin Columns, 2ML Pierce 89889 5 PACK 392
Zeba Desalt Spin Columns, 5ML Pierce 89891 5 PACK 502
Zeba Desalt Spin Columns,10ML Pierce 89893 5 PACK 602
RIPA Buffer, 100 ML Pierce 89900 100 ML 814
RIPA Buffer, 250 ML Pierce 89901 250 ML 1748
SILAC Protein Quantitation  Kit-RPMI 1640 Kit Pierce 89982 EACH 6093

上一篇:超滤透过通量的影响因素 下一篇:蛋白质和酶的提取方法
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