



时间:2016-06-15      阅读:305

一、磨损的不可预见 安全滑触线现大多采用集电器碳刷与导电面紧压接触,通过摩擦滑动的方式实现连续供电的。碳刷磨损的快慢,磨损量的多少及磨损*的时刻,是与滑触线的使用频率、工作制度、工作环境、导电面粗糙程度及压力大小等因素有关,是人所不能监控的。这种碳刷磨损*后不可预见的停电,一直是集电器使用中要解决的难题。
An unforeseen, wear safety sliding contact line is mostly by the collector and the conductive surface press contact, through frictional sliding mode to realize the continuous power supply. Carbon brush wear rate, wear quantity and wear the ultimate moment, is associated with the sliding contact line frequency of use, working system, working environment, the conductive surface roughness and the size of the pressure and other factors, people can monitor. The carbon brush wear unforeseen ultimate power outages after, has been a difficult problem to solve in the use set of electrical appliances.
  二、磨损*的隐患 滑触线集电器在碳刷有效磨损范围内供电是正常的。但碳刷磨损*后,从静态看,弹簧弹力不足,压力几乎没有,电阻变大,接触不良。从动态看,磨损是渐进的,工作处于运动状态,甚至是点动状态,因而起动电流很大,加上运动时的震动,滑触线安装的缺陷,变形等因素使集电器碳刷与导电面似触非触,因此产生强烈火花,烧得集电器发黑,碳刷框变形,滑触线导电面摩擦系数加大,影响了导电性能。
Two, wear the ultimate hidden sliding contact line collector effective wear range of power supply in the carbon brush is normal. But the ultimate carbon brush wear, from the view of static state, the elastic force of the spring pressure is insufficient, almost no, resistance becomes large, poor contact. From the view of dynamic state, wear is a gradual, work in motion, or even move state, thus starting current is large, coupled with the movement of the sliding contact line motion, defects in installation, deformation and other factors make the collector and the conductive surface touch non contact, therefore have a strong spark, burned collector blackening, a carbon brush frame deformation, sliding contact line conducting surface friction coefficient increase, affecting the conductivity.

上一篇:超高压电动分离式千斤顶功能说明(QF100t-20b 下一篇:液压千斤顶生产厂家的互联网发展方向(RSM-100)
