All-in-one license plate recognition integrated machine


All-in-one license plate recognition integrated machine



深圳市东沃智能科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售及服务为一体的技术企业。自成立以来一直致力于“智能停车场.通道闸及系统软件产品为基础的研发、推广及应用,已开发出多项具有自主知识产权、成熟的技术成果并推向全国市场,成功研发了景区系统、工地门禁考勤系统、游乐园系统、健身房系统、智能停车场无人值守管理系统、云停车场系统、手机APP支付软件、车位引导、广告道闸、广告门等。硬件产品包括:人行通道翼闸、摆闸、三辊闸、全高转闸、速通门及门控系统配套设备、智能门禁、智慧动态人脸识别系统、停车场车牌识别设备、车位引导及反向寻车系统、变频道闸、广告道闸、广告门、等配套产品。 公司拥有一大批行业内的高素质专业技术人才、踏实勤奋、专业智慧的销售人员以及的工程技术.售后服务团队。公司凭着对智能化应用领域10几年来的积淀和对未来智能化系统发展的趋势,以全新的理念.高效的企业文化管理模式,做到了为产品用户提供产品、技术专业、设备创新、质量稳定、及时灵活、人性化可靠贴心的多方面服务理念。 公司自成立以来,将秉承以“共赢、共享、共担、追求”为经营理念,秉承以“理智与思考、激情与创新、热情与诚信、永往直前、超越自我”为企业精神,以“做世界高科技企业”为公司的发展目标,在公司上下的精诚努力下,公司得到了飞速的发展,凭着优质的产品、细致周到的服务和广泛的销售渠道及电子商务、网络营销模式,公司产品迅速各地市场及东南亚和非洲等国,目前公司拥有国内40个代理商、国外10个代理商和几千家合作的工程商。 公司正在不断的努力和进取,一定会以更的技术、更高的质量铸造精品和服务于社会。“公司将投入大量的资金去开发和创新更多的高科技产品,以满足市场变换的需求,为广大用户创造更大的价值!公司遵循“以客户为中心、持续贴心、专业的服务”为发展思想,不断完善公司体系,健全团队规划,将在全国各地不断发展加盟代理商,“十年磨一剑”,公司以放弃的绝心和努力,将“东沃”的品牌打造成行业内的品牌,不但在国内要,在国外也要龙腾虎跃,为民族品牌屹立在世界舞台上做一份贡献!


1. The front is made of fully tempered glass, with P-shaped backlight, with an atmospheric appearance and a more scientific and technological sense;
2. Free to match, customers can choose a variety of display modes, two lines, three lines or four lines;
3. Intelligent fill light control system, the fill light is controlled by software, using time control switch, the brightness of fill light can be set to change with time;
4. Hidden rotatable screw hole base, the direction adjustment is more flexible and the installation is faster;
5. The product has two colors: gray and gold. The gray is calm and luxurious, and the color can be customized to help customers create their own products.
System functions
1. The computer or server is out of order, and the monthly rental car enters and exits normally, and the temporary car enters and exits normally and charges
2. The offline status display and voice can work normally
3. Video stream and ground sense trigger can be freely selected
4. Support multiple charging modes (such as sentry box charging mode, central charging mode and self-service payment mode)
5. Fuzzy comparison of license plates to improve system recognition rate
6. Complicated situations such as coming in multiple directions and wide lanes can be recognized by dual cameras to improve the recognition rate
7. Support multiple discount models (such as discount coupon discount, hotel discount, license plate discount)
8. Multi-parking and multi-vehicle function, manage one car owner, multiple cars correspond to the situation of multiple monthly parking spaces
9. Perfect unlicensed car handling mechanism and defaced license plate handling mechanism
10. Support manual trigger recognition and manual modification of license plate
11. Blacklist function, make parking lot safer and more comprehensive management
Parameter configuration
2/3/4 line display mode can be customized
Local gold color can be customized
Dimensions: 300 (length) * 180 (width) * 1400mm (height)



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