钢带浮子液位指示器(GDF型) Float liquid level indicator
The float liquid level indicator can be used widely for various liquids, It is easy to be installed & maintained with simple structure. With adjustable structure balance weight hammer is convenient for field regulating, so the indicator can be used for the liquids of various gravity and viscosity.
型号 Type | 储罐容积m3 TankCapacity | 标尺参考高度 Ruler Length |
FZQ-100 | 100 | 7050 |
FZQ-200 | 200 | 7110 |
FZQ-300 | 300 | 8676 |
FZQ-400 | 400 | 8850 |
FZQ-500 | 500 | 10660 |
FZQ-700 | 700 | 11840 |
FZQ-1000 | 1000 | 12680 |
FZQ-2000 | 2000 | 14256 |
钢带浮子液位指示器“法兰标准” Flange standard
GB. HG. SH. HGJ. JB. ANSL. JIS等标准。(用户,请注明压力等级)
GB. HG. SH. HGJ. JB. ANSL. JIS standard. (user specified, please indicate thepressure rating)
钢带浮子液位指示器“订货须知” Ordering instructions
1. 订货时请注明产品尺寸. 操作压力及材质。
Please specify when ordering the product size, operating pressure and material.
2. 当需要其他标准法兰. 材质或操作压力时,请在订货时注明。
When the need for other standard flange, material and operatingpressure, please specify when ordering.
钢带浮子液位指示器“特点” Characteristic
1. 结构简单. 读数直观;
Simple structure, intuitive readings.
2. 测量范围大. 安装方便;
Large measuring range, convenient installation.
3. 耐腐蚀;
Corrosion resistance;
钢带浮子液位指示器“主要技术参数” Main technical parameters
1. 测量范围:0~20m(或客户要求选用);
Measuring range: 0 ~ 20M (or customer specified requirements selection);
2. 指示精度:±20mm;
Pointing accuracy is ± 20mm;
3. 工作压力:常压或200 mmH2O水柱;
Working pressure: 200 mmH2O water column pressure or;
4. 使用介质温度:-30~+3000C;
The use of medium temperature: -30 ~ +3000C;
5. 使用介质密度:不小于0.6g/㎝3;
The use of medium density: not less than 0.6g/ cm 3;
钢带浮子液位指示器“原理结构” The principle structure
1. 液位计是根据力平衡原理来测量容器内的液位的,在力平衡状态下,当液位处于某一高度时,浮标重量W减去浮标浸在液体中的浮力F. 减去重锤重量W1,减去测量系统中的摩擦力f等于零, W-F-W1-f=0或W1=W-F-f,重锤指示的即为容器内的液位高度;
Liquid level meter is to measure the liquid level in the container according to the principle of force balance, in the balance state, when the liquid level is at a certain height, W weight minus buoy buoy is immersed in liquid buoyancy F. minus W1 minus the hammer weight, friction measurement system f is equal to zero, the W - F - W1 -f=0 or W1=W-F-f the weight indicator, which is the height of the liquid level in container;
2. 液位计由标尺. 重锤指针. 导轮. 导向钢丝及浮标等组成;
Liquid level gauge from the scale. The hammer. The pointer. A guide wire and buoy;
钢带浮子液位指示器“安装” Installation
1. 两根导向钢丝必须平行,与容器底边垂直,两端需要固定与拉紧;
Two guide wire must be parallel, vertical and container bottom, both parties need fixing and tensioning;
2. 钢带浮标处在容器底部时,垂锤指针应指向零位,浮标处在液位上,垂锤指针应指向满量程;
Strip the buoy at the container bottom, vertical hammer pointer pointing to zero, the buoy at the level cap, vertical hammer pointer pointing to a full-scale;
3. 出厂液位计为装零部件,客户自行就地安装;
The factory level gauge is installed components, the client to be installed;