
STR-B型 可定做无尘自动循环回收式喷砂机

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2024-12-05 10:36:11







◆产品特点 Product features

环保型循环回收式喷砂机它集喷砂、回收、循环、分离、除尘于一体,无污染及砂料四处飞扬现象,是新一代的环保型喷砂设备。是我公司为繁重的喷砂工作设计生产的多用途、大工作半径、高效率的新型环保喷砂设备。根椐负压产生装置不同,分为电动和全气动两大种机型。该设备采用压缩空气做动力,将磨料高速喷射到工件表面,经过磨料冲击把工件表面锈污除去,使表面达到一定的清洁度和粗糙度,再通过真空泵(或多级真空发生器)产生的负压,回收砂料和粉尘,并通过设备的砂尘分离系统将完整的磨料分离继续循环使用,粉尘与锈污进入集尘桶。在手把开关控制下,设备的喷砂、回砂、砂尘分离、砂料循环、粉尘过滤等所有动作自行完成,工作环境干净无污染,作业现场达到“GB103328-10333-89”车间空气粉尘卫生标准。砂料、粉尘自动回收、分离、循环使用,工作现场干净无粉尘污染。设备环保设计,大大改善了工人的劳动强度和作业环境配有反吹装置,可自动清除滤芯灰尘。内置分水过滤器。可对压缩空气进行二次油水分离。自动上料,将吸砂头插入砂料中,启动真空泵系统将自动上料。PLC可编程控制(选配),料位报警功能(选配)。设有调压旋钮、反吹按钮。稳定的气控装置与磨料阀。工作半径20-70米,表面处理等级达Sa2.5-3级。配置安全防水电源插座插头,方便操作。配置控制电源航空插座插头方便操作。美观的防尘控制面板与电控箱。维护与检修特别方便。车式箱体结构,防雨防尘,移动方便。箱体门板采用快捷门琐联接,拆装方便。手把开关控制(电控DC24V)。一机三用,具有开放式、工业吸砂器、环保型三种设备的功能。喷砂主机采用特殊控制回路,工作压力在0.2Kpa-0.8Kpa范围内任意调节,可满足不同工件的喷砂工艺要求。使用范围:除锈、除油漆、焊缝处          理(包括不锈钢焊缝及其周边的去黑、去焊渣处理)去毛刺、飞边、氧化皮、不锈钢,铝材表面的典雅型亚光处理(耐污性较好、可遮盖划伤)、去混凝土、石雕表面污圬等处理。

Features: Environmental protection cycle recovery type sandblasting machine sets of sandblasting, recycling, circulation, separation, dust removal in a body, no pollution and sand material flying around phenomenon, is a new generation of environmental protection sandblasting equipment. The machine is our company for heavy gush arenaceous job design   of multi-purpose, the great work radius, high efficiency of the new environmental protection sandblasting equipment. Root tree produced negative pressure, divided into different device and electric pneumatic two types of all. The equipment adopts compressed air do motive force, abrasive high-speed spray into the surface of workpiece, through the surface of workpiece abrasive impact and remove rust surface, it reaches a certain cleanness and roughness, again through the vacuum pump (or multi-stage vacuum generator) creates negative pressure, recycling waste materials and dust, sand and through the equipment of dust separation system will complete abrasive separation recycling, and continue to dust pollution into the dust collection barrel rust. In hand the switch control, equipment of sandblasting, back to the sand, sand dust separation, sand material circulation, dust filter to complete all action, working environment clean no pollution, work safety to "GB103328-10333 89" workshop air dust health standard. The waste materials, dust the automatic recovery, separation and recycling, the work site clean and free of dust pollution. Environmental protection equipment design, has greatly improved the labor intensity and work environment with blower, can automatically remove dust filter. Built-in water filter. May to the compressed air in secondary water-oil separation. Automatic feeding, will suck sand head into the waste materials, vacuum pump system will start in the automatic feeding. PLC programmable control (optional), material place alarm function (optional). With pressure regulating knobs, counter blowing button. Steady air control device and abrasive valve. Work 20-70 meters radius, surface treatment level of Sa2.5-3 grade. With safety waterproof power socket plug, convenient operation. Configuration control power plug sockets aviation easy operation. Unique beautiful dustproof control panel and the electric. Maintenance and overhaul special convenient. The car type structure, rain dustproof, convenient to move. The cabinet door plank fast door, more convenient to assemble and disassemble zoar connection. The switch control (hand electric control DC24V). One machine with three, with open, industrial suck sand device, environmental protection function of three equipment. Gush arenaceous host machine adopts special control circuit, working pressure in 0.2-0.8 range Kpa Kpa arbitrarily regulate, and can satisfy different requirements of sandblasting process workpiece. Use scope: derusting, except for paint, weld processing (including stainless steel weld and its surrounding the to black, welding slag processing) to deburr, flash, stainless steel, aluminum oxide skin, the elegant type inferior smooth surface treatment (to bear or endure corrupt the gender is good, can cover scratch), to concrete, stone carving surface dirt   processing.

◆主要技术参数 Main technical parameters

机器型号 Model                               STR-B型无尘自动循环回收式喷砂机

工作电源 Work power                     380V 50HZ

空气压力 Air pressure                     5-7kg/cm2

耗气量 Gas consumption               3m3/min

电机功率 Motor power                  4kw

工作效率 Work efficiency              6-10m2

工作半径 Work radius                    10m 最长20m

工作形式 Work form        自动循环回收Automatic cycle recovery

清理等级 Clean level                       Sa2-3

粗糙度 Roughness                         60μm左右

重量 Weight                                   260kg

外形尺寸 Shape dimension           1380×830×1700mm

砂料规格 Sand material specifications20-100#以上(1.0mm-0.04mm)

◆适用范围 Applicable scope



1. High environmental protection requirement and without any dust removal equipment     occasion;

2. Higher   processing level.

使用范围:除锈、除油漆焊缝处理   去毛刺、飞边、氧化皮不锈钢、铝材表面的典雅型亚光处理(耐污性较好、可遮盖划伤)去混凝土、石雕表面污圬等处理。


Applicable scope: derusting, clean paint processing to weld burr, flash, stainless steel, aluminum oxide skin surface elegant type to bear or endure corrupt processing (matt better properties, can cover scratch) to concrete, stone carving surface dirt processing. (specific information can be A reference type or call our company)

◆ 产品特点 Product features


features: this machine introduces advanced foreign technology research and development of outdoor work gush arenaceous no dust pollution, automatic cycle recovery of environmental protection equipment. Our company’s C type clean sandblasting machine belong to the most advanced domestic environmental   protection no dust gush arenaceous processor, the machine has to minimize, volume compression purpose is convenient outdoor construction convenient to move, greatly reduce the labor intensity, and processing efficiency in domestic products with type fastest; Our customers get a consensus, and has been widely promotion and use! (specific information can be A reference type or call our company)


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