

参考价: 面议

2017-06-23 15:30:55




























(1) 系统组成





一类反应原理:5NaCLO2+4HCL=4CLO2+5NaCL+2H 2O


浓硫酸(工业一级品,浓度83.0±2.0%)氯酸钠(工业一级品,含量≥99%)过氧化氢(工业合格品,含量≥27.5%) 次氯酸钠 10%




1)、发生器的设计及电器设计应符合GB 19517和GB 5083或相应的标准和组织认可的标准要求。

2)、发生器采用的PVC材料应符合GB/T 4219.1和QB/T 3802或相应的标准和组织认可的标准要求。

3)、发生器的制造应符合JB/T 2932或相应的标准和组织认可的标准的规定。卫生部颁发的二氧化氯发生器许可批件4)、发生器的反应系统应设置安全防爆装置。



















3)、在正常工况下,发生器的使用寿命不小于5 年,平均*工作时间不少于8000h。

4)、发生器在正常工况下应具备良好的密封性,发生器在室内使用时(具备良好的通风条件,环境温度以5℃~40℃为宜),室内环境中CL2浓度应符合HJ/T 30的规定,其zui高允许浓度应小于1mg/m。


化学法复合二氧化氯发生器generator of complex chlorine dioxide by chemical reaction(以下简称:发生器)



二氧化氯产量production of chlorine dioxide



有效氯available chlorine



有效氯产量production of available chlorine



二氧化氯浓度concentration of chlorine dioxide



有效氯浓度concentration of available chlorine



二氧化氯转化率yield of chlorine dioxide



氯酸钠耗率sodium chlorate consumption











1.1 发生器的设计及电器设计应符合GB/T 4064 和GB 5083或相应的标准和组织认可的标准要求。

1.2 发生器采用的PVC材料应符合GB 4219和QB/T 3802-1999或相应的标准和组织认可的标准要求。

1.3 发生器的制造应符合JB 2932-1996或相应的标准和组织认可的标准的规定。

1.4 发生器的反应系统应设置安全防爆装置。

1.5 各管道应无泄漏现象。

1.6 原料液输送应有连动装置。

1.7 发生器的外观应无明显脱漆、裂缝。

1.8 发生器运行时所用原料盐酸、氯酸钠应符合相应国家标准的规定。


2.1 出口溶液外观:黄色或淡黄色,清澈透明,无可见机械杂质。

5.2.3 本发生器用于饮用水处理时,应保证处理后的水质达到《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》要求。

5.2.4 连续运转稳定性要求:发生器调试稳定后,72 h内平均抽样不少于10次,二氧化氯转化率应达到表1要求。标准相对偏差不大于15%。



4.1 原料进口流量的测定

4.1.1 操作步骤

原料罐与进料之间连接一个固定体积的容器。先将液面控制在初始标记之上,关闭原料罐的阀门。当液面到达初始标记时,开始用秒表计时,当液面到达zui终标记时,停止秒表,记下时间(t)。根据计时时间和两标记之间的体积差计算得到此原料进口流量。流量测定计时时间应在10 min 以上,平均测定3次。计算流量。

4.1.2 结果计算


L1=(V1 -V0)/t/3600 ……(1) 






4.2 出口溶液流量的测定

4.2.1 方法提要


4.2.2 仪器


4.2.3 操作步骤

取一适当体积的容器,预先校正好某个标记段的体积,将发生器排除口的导管与容器连接,打开阀门,待液面到初始标记刻度(V0)时,启动秒表,当液面上升至zui终标记刻度(V1)时,停止秒表,记下时间(t)。流量测定计时时间应在60 s以上,平均测定3次,相对偏差不大于1%。

4.2.4 结果计算


L2= (V1-V0)/t/3600 ……(2)







5.1 二氧化氯产量Q1按公式(3)计算:

Q1=L2×c1/1 ……(3)





5.2 有效氯产量Q2按公式(4)计算:

Q2=L2×(2.63×c1+c2)/1000 ……(4)










R=c1/c2 ……(5)






H=[(L1×ρ×ω)×10 ]/[ (2.63×c1+c2) ×L2]×100……(7)










9.1 方法提要


9.2 仪器、设备

9.2.1 酸度计:分度值为0.1pH单位,配有复合电极或玻璃电极和饱和甘汞电极。使用前进行校正。

9.3 分析步骤


9.4 允许差



10.1 方法提要


10.2 测定

10.2.1 开机、调试设备达稳定后,调整好发生量,在72 h内,平均时间间隔采取不少于10次样品,按6、5、6、7分别计算产量和二氧化氯转化率。应符合5.2.2的要求。

7.1 本标准采用出厂检验和型式检验。

7.1.1 本标准规定的所有要求项目为型式检验项目。

7.1.2 其中5.1.1~5.1.7规定的要求为出厂检验项目。正常生产时,每生产100台(年产少于100台的每年进行1次)进行1次型式检验。进行型式检验时,以每台发生器为采样单元,随机抽取不少于采样单元数3%的样机,但zui低不少于1台。

7.2 每台发生器由生产厂的质量监督检验部门按本标准的规定进行检验。生产厂应保证所有出厂的发生器都符合本标准的要求。

7.3 使用单位有权按照本标准的规定对所收到的发生器进行验收,验收应在到货之日算起的一个月内进行。

7.4 检验结果如有一项指标不符合本标准要求时,应重新加倍抽样复验,仍不符合要求应停止生产,待查清原因后,重新进行型式检验。

7.5 化学分析数据按GB/T 1250 的修约值比较法判定结果是否符合本标准。


9.1 包装方式:发生器采用木板箱装,个别备件也可采用捆装。箱装应防潮、防震、包装件外形尺寸和重量应符合GB/T 13384的规定。

9.2 随机文件应包括:使用说明书、安全操作规程、产品合格证、装箱单、随机备件、附件清单、其他有关技术文件资料。

9.3 发生器运输过程中防止碰撞和震动,发生器不得倒置,应防止日晒和雨淋。

9.4 发生器应贮存在干燥通风的场地,应防止日晒和雨淋,周围无腐蚀性的气体。

Chlorine dioxide sterilizer is a kind of water treatment sterilization equipment. On the basis of the original, love, environmental protection developed the second generation of chlorine dioxide disinfector, integration of new type high purity chlorine dioxide generator, they have the same working principle, but has obvious advantages in new equipment, more efficient 
Chlorine dioxide sterilizer is a kind of mixed disinfectant which USES chemical negative pressure aeration technology, the production of chlorine dioxide and CL2 as auxiliary. 
Chlorine dioxide disinfector humbled and widely used in tap water, well water, secondary sewage treatment, swimming pool water disinfection, hospital disinfection, industrial circulating cooling water and recycle water disinfection and sterilization in yellow total, moreover can also be used in the bleaching of paper printing and dyeing industry, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage of decoloring, go smelly water disinfection, aquatic plants, slaughtering industry sewage treatment, etc. 
The chlorine dioxide sterilizer is cheap, sterilizing and is the most popular sterilizing equipment for other sterilizing equipment. 
Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidant. Cl2, O3, H2O2, etc., which are associated with chlorine dioxide, have strong oxidation and disinfection. Chlorine dioxide can destroy the enzymes of cells and lead to cell death. 
Chlorine dioxide can have wide spectrum of bactericidal ability within a wide range of pH values, and chlorine dioxide is 3 times more sterilizing than chlorine and twice as much oxidation as free chlorine at higher pH value. Chlorine dioxide is not free of ammonia nitrogen and other compounds, so the remaining chlorine is relatively high and the disinfection effect is better than CL2. [1] 
Chlorine dioxide is easy to volatilize and explode. Therefore, chlorine dioxide should avoid gas escape and control its concentration in air less than 10% and in water concentration less than 30%, and should be sealed and stored. 
Chlorine dioxide is used for deodorization and deodorization. 
Chlorine dioxide is a yellow gas at room temperature, with similar CL2 as unpleasant pungent odor when use how much is a big problem, for this, we introduce the following the requirement of chlorine dioxide disinfector: 
(1) amount of chlorine dioxide: the amount of investment is related to the water quality and the purpose of the investment. It is usually determined by experiment. The commonly used range is as follows: 
Disinfection: 0.1 ~ 1.3 mg/L; 
Disinfection and deodorant: 0.6 ~ 1.3 mg/L; 
1 ~ 1.5mg/L for disinfection, deodorant and oxidizing organics, iron and manganese; 
It is necessary to ensure that residual chlorine at the end of the network is 0.05mg/L. 
(2) concentration: the gas solution should be controlled at 6 ~ 8mg/L. 
(3) the room for setting the chlorine dioxide installation should be considered for ventilation and ventilation. The ventilation rate is 8 ~ 10 times/L. 
An operation simple, high conversion rate, high purity, multi-purpose, environmental protection chemical method, small chlorine dioxide multistage generator. This type of chlorine dioxide generator is composed of an acid-proof catheter and a water jet vacuum unit. Tank reactor USES two level or multistage reactor, the reaction kettle with air distributor, the side reaction kettle set the balance pipe, make the reaction more thoroughly, residual liquid can be up to standard of discharge after reaction. The resulting chlorine dioxide solution can also be stabilized with chlorine dioxide. 
As a new kind of oxidant and disinfectant, chlorine dioxide, with its high efficiency, broad spectrum and no residue, no by-products of disinfection capability and decolorization, deodorization, in addition to the peculiar smell such as strong oxidation ability has become a leader in the field of water treatment. Compared with the traditional disinfectants such as ultraviolet, ozone, sodium hypochlorite and CL2, chlorine dioxide has a unique advantage. It is becoming the first choice of the industry. 
(1) system composition 
The chemical method chlorine dioxide generator is composed of feeding system, reaction system, safety system, automatic control system and absorption input. 
(2) classification 
One is the high purity chlorine dioxide disinfectant generator, and the other is the chlorine dioxide compound disinfectant generator. As the name implies, the pure chlorine dioxide disinfectant generator is the chlorine dioxide, and the chlorine dioxide compound disinfectant generator produces a mixture of chlorine dioxide and CL2. 
(3) principle of reaction 
One kind of reaction principle: 5NaCLO2 + 4HCL = 4CLO2 + 5NaCL + 2H 2O 
(1) a class of using raw materials: sodium hypochlorite (industrial grade one, content is greater than 85%) and industrial synthesis of hydrochloric acid (concentration greater than 31%) 
Or concentrated sulfuric acid (industrial grade one, concentration of 83.0 + + 2.0%) sodium chlorate (industrial grade one, content is greater than 99%) hydrogen peroxide (industrial quality product, content is greater than 27.5%), 10% of sodium hypochlorite 
(2) two types of raw materials: sodium chlorate (industrial one grade, content of more than 99%) industrial synthetic hydrochloric acid (concentration > 31%) 
(1) according to the daily sewage quantity/net water amount, calculate the sewage discharge per hour/water flow rate and multiply it by the amount of water added. 
(2) equipment selection: (for example: one day a hospital sewage volume is 200 cubic, discharge time 10 hours, sewage quantity is 20 cubic per hour, according to the design parameters, general hospital per cubic metre of water 30 grams of dosing chlorine dioxide, so the equipment model is: WHZ - 600 grams, per hour number is: 600 grams). 
1) the design and electrical design of the generator shall conform to the standard requirements of GB 19517 and GB 5083 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. 
2) the PVC material adopted by the generator shall conform to the standard requirements of GB/T 4219.1 and QB/T 3802 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. 
3) the manufacture of the generator shall conform to the standard of JB/T 2932 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. The reaction system of the chlorine dioxide generator approved by the ministry of health shall set up the safety explosion protection device. 
5) all pipelines should be free of leakage. 
6) the raw material shall be transported with the continuous mechanism. 
7) the raw materials used in the operation of the generator shall conform to the relevant national standards. 
1) chlorine dioxide disinfectant generator 
The chlorine dioxide output of the generator shall not be lower than the rated value; 
In the disinfectant solution produced by the generator, chlorine dioxide (in effective chlorine) was not less than 95% of the total effective chlorine. 
Main raw materials such as sodium chlorite conversion rate not less than 80%. 
2) chlorine dioxide compound disinfectant generator 
The effective chlorine yield of the generator should not be lower than the rating. 
In the disinfectant solution produced by the generator, chlorine dioxide (in effective chlorine) was not less than 55% of the total effective chlorine. 
The main raw materials such as sodium chlorate and sodium chlorate are not less than 60%. 
3) under normal working conditions, the life of the generator shall not be less than 5 years, and the average working time shall not be less than 8000h. 
4) under normal conditions, the generator should have good sealing, generator in indoor use, good ventilation, the environment temperature by 5 ℃ to 40 ℃ advisable), CL2 concentration in indoor environment should comply with the provisions of the HJ/T 30, the maximum allowable concentration should be less than 1 mg/m. 
5) when used for drinking water, the total amount of raw material residues such as chlorate and chlorate in the water after disinfection should not be greater than 0.7 mg/L. 
Chemical compound chlorine dioxide generator generator of complex chlorine dioxide by chemical reaction (hereinafter referred to as: generator) 
The main raw materials of sodium chlorate and hydrochloric acid were used to generate the mixing solution of chlorine dioxide and CL2. 
Chlorine dioxide production production of chlorine dioxide 
Refers to the quality of chlorine dioxide produced per hour in the normal working state of the design. The unit is g/h, kg/h. 
Available chlorine available chlorine 
Measure chlorine disinfectants available chlorine is a sign of oxidation ability, refers to the amount of chlorine and chlorine disinfectants oxidation ability quite (non disinfectant chlorine content), the standard mean generator outlet in the solution of chlorine dioxide and CL2 by oxidation valence conversion into the quality of the CL2. 
Available chlorine production production of available chlorine 
In the normal working condition of the design, the quality of effective chlorine is produced per hour. The unit is g/h, kg/h. 
The concentration of chlorine dioxide concentration of chlorine dioxide 
Refers to the quality of chlorine dioxide contained in each liter of exportation solution, which is mg/L. 
The concentration of available chlorine concentration of available chlorine 
Refers to the quality of effective chlorine in every liter of exportation solution, mg/L. 
The chlorine dioxide conversion yield of chlorine dioxide 
The ratio of the number of moles of chlorine dioxide per hour to the number of moles of sodium chloride that enters the reactor per hour is expressed as a percentage. 
Sodium chlorate consumption rate sodium chloride consumption 
When the chlorine dioxide generator is operating at rated state, the quality of sodium chlorate is consumed in every 1kg of effective chlorine, and the unit is kg/kg. 
The chemical compound chlorine dioxide generator should be shown in the following format. 
XXX - YXL - EYHL - T (Z) 
Among them: XXX -- chemical compound chlorine dioxide generator code; 
YXL - the rated effective chlorine yield is g/h or kg/h; 
EYHL -- the rated chlorine dioxide production unit is g/h or kg/h; 
T - temperature control (product with temperature control); 
Z -- automatic type. 
1.1 the design and electrical design of the generator shall conform to the standard requirements of GB/T 4064 and GB 5083 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. 
1.2 the PVC materials used by the generator shall conform to the standard requirements of GB 4219 and QB/T 3802-1999 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. 
1.3 the manufacture of the generator shall conform to the standard set by JB 2932-1996 or corresponding international standards and international organizations. 
1.4 the reaction system of the generator shall set up safety explosion-proof devices. 
1.5 all pipelines should have no leakage. 
1.6 the raw material shall be transported with the continuous mechanism. 
1.7 the appearance of the generator shall have no obvious unvarnishes and cracks. 
1.8 the raw material used in the operation of the generator shall meet the relevant national standards. 
2.1 export solution appearance: yellow or light yellow, clear and transparent, no mechanical impurity. 
5.2.3 when used for drinking water treatment, this generator shall ensure that the treated water quality meets the requirements of the hygienic standard for drinking water quality. 
5.2.4 continuous operation stability requirements: after the generator debugging and stabilization, the average sampling within 72 h shall not be less than 10 times, and the conversion rate of chlorine dioxide shall reach the requirements of table 1. The standard relative deviation is not greater than 15%. 
Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidant, and its gases stimulate the upper airway, so it should keep the operating environment ventilated. Wear protective gloves when sampling, and use a special breathing mask when necessary to protect your respiratory tract from irritation. Removal of samples shall be carried out in the fume hood. At the same time, some analytical reagents are highly corrosive, and should be careful to avoid splash 
4.1 determination of raw material inlet flow 
4.1.1 operation procedure 
The raw material can be connected to the feed by a fixed volume container. Control the liquid level above the initial mark and close the valve of the raw material tank. When the liquid surface reaches the initial mark, start time with the stopwatch, stop the stopwatch and record time (t) when the liquid surface reaches the final mark. The volume difference between the timing time and the two marks is calculated. The measuring time of flow measurement should be over 10 min and three times on average. Calculate the flow. 
4.1.2 calculation of results 
(1) calculation: 
L1 = (V1 - V0)/t / 3600... (1) 
L1 - raw material inlet flow, unit for liter per hour (L/h); 
V1 -- the volume shown in the final scale recorded at the time of measurement is liters (L); 
V0 -- the volume shown in the initial calibration of the measured time record is in liters (L); 
T -- the time used for the measurement is in seconds (s). 
4.2 determination of flow of outlet solution 
4.2.1 method feed 
Adjust the output of the generator to the normal production requirement, record the volume of the liquid flowing out of the time, and calculate the flow of the outlet solution 
4.2.2 instruments 
A stopwatch. 
4.2.3 operation procedure 
In a proper volume of the container, the precorrection a marker of volume, connect the generator to eliminate mouth catheter with container, open the valves, liquid level in the initial marking scale (where V0), start the stopwatch, when the liquid surface to end tag scale (V1), stop the stopwatch, write down the time (t). The measuring time of flow measurement should be above 60 s, and the average measurement is 3 times. The relative deviation is not greater than 1%. 
4.2.4 calculation of results 
The output flow L2 of the generator is calculated by formula (2) : 
L2 = (V1 - V0)/t / 3600... (2) 
L2 -- the outlet flow of the generator, per hour (L/h); 
V1 -- the volume shown in the final scale recorded at the time of measurement is liters (L); 
V0 -- the volume shown in the initial scale recorded at the time of measurement, the unit is liters (L); 
T -- the time used for the measurement is in seconds (s). 
Production calculation 
5.1 the chlorine dioxide output Q1 is calculated by formula (3) : 
Q1 (c1 = L2/1... (3) 
Q1 -- the production of chlorine dioxide per hour (g/h); 
L2 -- the flow of the product during normal operation of the product and the sample during the period of the output of the product is up to an hour (L/h). 
C1 -- the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the volume of the exported solution during normal operation of the generator, per liter (mg/L). 
5.2 effective chlorine yield Q2 is calculated by formula (4) : 
Q2 = L2 times (2.63 times c1 + c2) / 1000... (4) 
Q2 - effective chlorine production per hour (g/h). 
L2 -- during normal operation of the product, the flow rate of the outlet solution of the sample during the same period will be increased per hour (L/h). 
C1 -- the concentration of chlorine dioxide measured in the outlet solution during normal operation of the generator is per liter per liter (mg/L). 
C2 -- the concentration of CL2 measured in the outlet solution during normal operation of the generator, per liter (mg/L); 
2.63 - chlorine dioxide is converted into CL2 coefficient. 
To the skin. 
The quality ratio of chlorine dioxide and CL2 is calculated by equation (5) : 
R = c1 / c2... (5) 
C1 -- the concentration of chlorine dioxide measured in the outlet solution during normal operation of the generator is per liter per liter (mg/L). 
C2 -- the concentration of CL2 measured in the outlet solution during normal operation of the generator, per liter (mg/L); 
The calculation of sodium chlorate consumption rate H is calculated by formula (7) : 
(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 (7) 
C1 - the output of the generator is dissolved 




上一篇:污水处理中漂白粉消毒的设计要点有哪些? 下一篇:环保型二氧化氯发生器操作注意说明
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