iHeir - BT(Plastic Anti-mold Agent)is a white powder, which has high efficiency, fast, and broad spectrum, long-acting for mould-proof . iHeir - BT integrates selected function of anti-bacteria onto the molecular chains of matrix resin through the methods of chemical grafting. According the principle that electro-positive of antibacterial function attracts negative electricity of proteins, microbial cells will be adsorbed. Furthermore, cells of the respiratory and metabolic will be impeded,because it has led to cell rupture but reach the goal of anti-mold.
1. 本产品为新型高分子塑料防霉剂,广泛应用于塑料,橡胶 ,涂料,胶粘剂,陶瓷,纤维,家电,合成树脂以及各种PP、PVC、PE、PA、ABS、PS、PET等塑料中。
This product is a new kind of plastic anti-mold agent, which is widely used in plastics, rubber, coatings, adhesives, ceramic, fabric, home appliances, synthetic resin and all kinds of plastics such as PP, PVC, PE, PA, ABS, PS, PET etc.
2. 具有抗菌功能的塑料制品,如冰箱塑壳、内胆,机壳,电脑键盘,洗衣机塑件,塑料开关,塑料砧板,坐椅,水果盘,儿童玩具等
Plastic products which has the function of antibacterial , such as refrigerator molded case, bladder, phone casing, computer keyboard, washing machine parts, plastic switch, plastic cutting boards, sit chair, fruit plate, children's toys, etc.
3. 具有抗菌功能的各种日用搪瓷、陶瓷、玻璃制品,如碗、盘、卫生洁具、饮具等。
Appliances which has the function of antibacterial ,like daily-used enamel, ceramics, and glass products such as bowl, dish, sanitary ware, kitchenware, etc.
4. 具有抗菌除臭功能的各种鞋材,如中衬、面衬、鞋垫等
All kinds of shoes materials which have the function of antibacterial,such as inner sheathing, facing, insole, etc.
5. 各种化工建材类:如涂料、油漆、壁纸、装饰材料等
A variety of chemical building materials, such as paint, paint, wallpaper, decorative materials, etc.
Add iHeir-BT directly,and stir uniformly.
Content: Add according to the specific conditions and bactericidal rate. Ordinary content is 0.8% to 1.5% which can meet the requirements of daily anti-bacteria.
iHeir - BT (Plastic Anti-mold Agent) uses 30 kg fiber can whose liner is vinyl bag ,or can be packed according to the client. Please put the product in a cool, dry place which is under a normal temperature, and keep away from children . Avoid contact with the mouth, nose, and eyes. If it contacts with the mouth, nose, and eyes, please rinse immediay with plenty of water.
This product belongs to the environmental product, but does not exclude individuals having allergic phenomenon, so we recommend you to use rubber gloves and masks when operating. If the skin contacts with the agent immodestly, please use soap water to clean.If the product drops into the eyes, please use water to wash immediay. If the condition is more severe , we suggest seeing a doctor immediay.
:张(: :)