

参考价: 面议

2022-01-17 14:26:17







       除尘布袋 堪称袋式除尘器的心脏,一般被称为除尘布袋或者除尘滤袋,除尘布袋是袋式除尘器运行过程中的关键部分,通常圆筒型滤袋垂直地悬挂在除尘器中。除尘布袋的面料和设计应尽量追求高效过滤、易于粉尘剥离及经久耐用效果。除尘布袋的选用至关重要,它直接影响除尘器的除尘效果,选取用除尘布袋从下列几个方面选取择:气体的温度,潮湿度和化学性,颗粒大小,含尘浓度,过滤风速,清尘方式等因素 布袋除尘器是一种干式除尘装置,它适用于捕集细小、干燥非纤维性粉尘。滤袋采用纺织的滤布或非纺织的毡制成,利用纤维织物的过滤作用对含尘气体进行过滤,当含尘气体进入布袋除尘器,颗粒大、比重大的粉尘,由于重力的作用沉降下来,落入灰斗,含有较细小粉尘的气体在通过滤料时,粉尘被阻留,使气体得到净化。一般新滤料的除尘效率是不够高的。滤料使用一段时间后,由于筛滤、碰撞、滞留、扩散、静电等效应,滤袋表面积聚了一层粉尘,这层粉尘称为初层,在此以后的运动过程中,初层成了滤料的主要过滤层,依靠初层的作用,网孔较大的滤料也能获得较高的过滤效率。随着粉尘在滤料表面的积聚,除尘器的效率和阻力都相应的增加,当滤料两侧的压力差很大时,会把有些已附着在滤料上的细小尘粒挤压过去,使除尘器效率下降。另外,除尘器的阻力过高会使除尘系统的风量显著下降。因此,除尘器的阻力达到一定数值后,要及时清灰。清灰时不能破坏初层,以免效率下降。[2]布袋除尘器结构主要由上部箱体、中部箱体、下部箱体(灰斗)、清灰系统和排灰机构等部分组成。布袋除尘 器性能的好坏,除了正确选择滤袋材料外,清灰系统对布袋除尘器起着决定性的作用。为此,清灰方法是区分布袋除尘器的特性之一,也是布袋除尘器运行中重要的一环。
      The dust bag is called the heart of the bag filter. it is generally called the dust bag or the dust filter bag. the dust bag is a key part in the operation of the bagfilter. usually, the cylindrical filter bag is suspended vertically in the dust collector. the fabric and design of the dust bag should be as efficient as possible, easy tcdust and durable. the selection of dust bag is very imortant, it directly affects the dust removal effect of the dust collctor. the dust bag is selected from the fol lowingaspects;gas temperature, humidity and chemoval, part-icle size, dust concentration. filtration wind speed, clear dust wethod and other factors the bag filter is a dry dustcollector that is suitable for capturing fine, dry, non-fibrous dust. the filter bag is made of moven filter cloth or non-woven felt. the dust-containing gas is filtered by thefiltering effect of the fiber fabric. when the dust- containing gas enters the bag -filter, the dust with large specific gravity settles due ti gravity.</div> <div>  </div> <div>       When it falls into the ash hopper, the gas containing the fine dust is retained by the filter material, and the gas is puri-fied. generally, the dust removal efficie- -ncy ofthe new filter material is not high enough. after the filter material is used for a period of time, due to the effects of sieve fi lyration, collision, retent ion, diffusion, staticelectricity, etc, the surface of the filter bag is covered with a layer of dust. this layer of dust is called the pr imary layer. dur ing the subsequent movement, the initial layerbecomes the main filter layer of the filter materiial can rely on the action of the pr imary layer, and the filter material with larger mesh size can also obtain higher filtat-ionefficiency. as the dust accumulates on the surface of the filter material , the efficiency and resistance of the dust col Itor increase accordingly. when the pressure differe-nce between the two sides of the dilter material is large, some fine dust partisles that have adhered to the filter material are squeezed. reduce the efficiency of the precipi-tator. in addition, the excessive resitance of the precipitator will significantly reduce the air vol-ume of the dedusting system, therefore, after the resistance of the precipit-ator reaches a certain value, it should becleaned in time. the initial layer should not be destroyed when cleaning,so as to avoid the efficiency drop. [2]The strcture of the bag filter is mainly composed of an upper box, a middle box, a lower box (ash hopper), a cleaning system and a ash discharging mechanism, the per forma-nce of the bag filter is not only the correct choice of filter bag material, but also the deashing system plays a decisive role in the bag filter, to this end, the cleaning method is one of the charcteristics of the zone distr ibution bag filter and xn important part of the operation of the bag filter.
上一篇:防爆除尘器的运行原理和保护措施有哪些? 下一篇:防爆除尘器的特点及工作原理
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