快装三片式球阀 Sanitary 3PC clamp ball valve
面议卫生级快装三片式球阀 3PC Sanitary Ball Valve
面议卫生级不锈钢管道过滤器 Sanitary Filter
面议球形止回阀 Sanitary Ball check valve
面议卫生级球形止回阀 Sanitary ball check valve
面议鸭嘴焊接蝶阀 Sanitary Butterfly Valve
面议卫生级手动调节阀 Sanitary regulating valve
面议卫生级隔膜阀Diaphragm Valves
面议卫生级隔膜阀 Diaphragm Valves
面议手动换向阀 Manual Sanitary Reversing Valve
面议卫生级三通隔膜阀(锻造) Diaphragm Valves
面议卫生级三通隔膜阀 Sanitary three-way diaphragm valve
面议卫生级真空破坏阀 快装真空破坏阀
Vacuum damage valve
Used in container or pipeline, when the pipeline or container is under negative pressure or the vacuum is gradually increased due to the system running or stopped, the valve can be automatically opened to destroy the vacuum effect, so as to prevent the pipeline and other equipment from being deflated, Phenomenon, to protect the safety of equipment.