面议阿ZS 4 ZS 4 VSD螺杆式鼓风机
面议ZH+ 无油离心式空压机,400-2750 kW,500-3500 hp
面议阿 激光切割空压机 用气方案高达16bar
面议ZR 无油螺杆气体压缩机,55-750 kW,74-1005 hp
面议VSD+GA 7-37 变转速驱动喷油式油冷螺杆压缩机
面议GX2-11喷油螺杆空压机,2-11 kW / 3-15 hp
面议GA30+-90/GA37-90 VSD,喷油螺杆空压机
面议GAe18-30 VSD:喷油螺杆空压机,11-30 kW / 15-40 hp
面议These vacuum pumps consume approximately 50% less energy than alternative technologies. They are among the most energy-efficient oil-lubricated vacuum pumps on the market in the capacity range where some other technologies (e.g. oil sealed vane) start to become inefficient mechanically and expensive in terms of capital expenditure. As much as 90% of the electrical energy used by a vacuum solution is converted into heat. With Atlas Copco’s integrated energy recovery system, it is feasible to recover up to 75% of that power input as hot air or hot water without any influence on the machine’s performance. Through efficient usage of the recovered energy, you bring about important energy cost savings and obtain a high return on investment.