紫外臭氧清洗仪(uv-ozone cleaner) 型号:JL-12


紫外臭氧清洗仪(uv-ozone cleaner) 型号:JL-12



西安凯跃电子成立於2003年,是一家分析、检测、监测仪器生产和销售的专业化公司,位于历史文化名城古都西安;主要从事设备检测、环境监测仪器仪表的生产和*进口仪器仪表的代理销售工作。用户涉及石油、化工、冶金、锅炉、空调系统、煤矿、食品、环保等行业。在国内建立了庞大的销售、服务网络;我们在“诚信、服务、开拓、发展”的企业精神的引导下,从而铸就了一支团结、优秀、强硬的专业队伍。  我公司专业从事辐射监测,大气监测,空气净化(METONE空气颗粒计数器),水质检测、安全测量分析噪声监测。拥有环境监测分析仪器行业的专业服务人员,可满足各种分析仪器的安装调试维修工作。我们真诚希望通过宣传国内的优质仪器和引进国外的*测量检测仪器给国内所需的行业部门,从而进一步提高并完善国内的专业水准。 公司自成立以来一直秉承 “诚实守信,精益求精、、客户至上”的理念,以“人才、品质、创新”三方面的优势为基础,以销售为中心,以技术为先导,以服务为后盾,超前创新,铸就公司品牌。我们今天所取得的成绩,取决于自身过硬的产品质量、新老客户的大力支持及全体员工的共同努力。  为此,我们将一如既往的给您提供质的服务。 我们将“客户+企业+员工=共赢”作为企业发展的基础,力争成为具影响力的原装现货供应商,希望永远与您携手共进、共同成长,为行业的繁荣和国家的和谐发展作出应有的贡献!


紫外臭氧清洗仪(uv-ozone cleaner) 型号:JL-12


UV cleaning machine JL-12 is one of our best selling UVO Cleaner units because of its compact design and affordable price which makes it perfect tool for small laboratories. As other listed models unit is equipped with two pair of media inlets with valves controlled by microprocessor.


 Size(Max) 16.30" W x 28.00" D x 12.00" H
 Power Requirements 220 Volts, 50 Hz., 10 Amps
 Lamp Type Low Pressure Mercury Vapor Grid
 Lamp Output 28,000 MicroWatts Per Sq. Cm @ 254nm
(From 6mm Dist.)
 Tray Size 12" X 12" Exposure Area


Mainly used in liquid crystal display devices, semiconductor silicon wafers, integrated circuits, high-precision printed circuit boards, optical devices, quartz crystal, sealing technology, with the metal oxide materials used in the course of production such as light cleaning method is most appropriate.
The main base material: ITO glass, optical glass, chrome plate, mask, polish crystal, silicon chip and the metal oxide film with a precision cleaning treatment, etc.. The UV light source in the LCD process but also has UV modification (UV surface qualitative) features currently STN LCD production process, is mainly used in film processing technology, for improving the membrane and the membrane between the FN is very effective, such as ITO film and the photosensitive film layer, TOP coated with PI coating, etc.. The other can be used in the research department of plastic material products UV modified for nanotechnology research, product by the UV light irradiation a chemical reaction changes the surface properties of the product. STN-LCD, OLED and color filter production process, some very similar process equipment, the difference lies in the different manufacturing process requirements. With the refinement of line and color than products, LCD manufacturing process industry demands constant upgrading, UV Ozone cleaning devices can satisfy the technical requirements to achieve atomic-level degree




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