Pinnacle DB IBD UHPLC 液相色谱柱(USP L68)(Restek)
面议Pinnacle DB PAH UHPLC 液相色谱柱(Restek)
面议HPLC 色谱柱筛板 (Restek)
面议3M Empore Carbon 活性炭固相萃取膜片
面议CDS Empore Carbon 活性炭固相萃取膜片
面议Dionex AS-DV 自动进样器样品瓶套装-带滤芯(Thermo )
面议Teknokroma 2t 空间采样器/顶空进样器
面议YCA-1000(AFG) 全自动原子吸收分光光度计 (豫维)
面议Ultra 散装填料 (5 μm)(Restek)
面议Titansphere TiO 填料 (GL Sciences )
可选2通口或3通阀门; 三通阀链接30“Hg/60psi的真空/压力表(其他仪表)
无论你是监测T O - 1 4 A , T O - 1 5 , 或含硫化合物S i l coCa n 罐的惰性都是你*好的选择。在Tedlar采样包里,即使在24小时内,低水平挥发性硫的有机化合物(VOCs)的稳定性差。硫化合物与罐的金属表面发生电解反应。所以这些罐是不适合收集和存储硫含量低的挥发性有机化合物。SilcoCan 空气采样罐具有特殊的 Siltek表面处理技术,在干燥或潮湿的条件下,对非常低水平(5–20.ppbv)的含硫挥发性有机化合物,提供良好的储存稳定性。SilcoCan罐的多功能性使得它成为收集和储存TO-14或TO-15化合物的*佳选择。
型号 | 1, 3, 6, 15 L |
阀 | RAVE 隔膜, Swagelok®波纹管 |
内层涂料 | 电解抛光技术, Siltek硅烷化处理 |
仪表 | 3 真空度/压力范围 |
环境空气, | U.S. EPA TO-14A, TO-15, IP-1A, ASTMD5466, OSHA PV 2120, 新泽西州低等级的 TO-15 |
室内空气 | IP-1A, 新泽西州低等级的 TO-15 |
罐体积 | 尺寸高x直径) | 重量 |
1 L | 8.5 x 5.25" 21.6 x 13.3 cm | 2.5 lb /1.13 kg |
3 L | 11.5 x 7.25" 29.2 x 18.4 cm | 4 lb /1.81 kg |
6 L | 12.5 x 9.25" 31.8 x 23.5 cm | 7 lb /3.18 kg |
15 L | 17 x 12.25" 43.2 x 31.1 cm | 13 lb/ 5.90 kg |
SilcoCan® 和 TO-Can® 罐在装运前是要清洗的.
• 长期存储含硫的挥发性有机化合物有优异的稳定性。
• 采样更准确。
SilcoCan 空气采样罐(硅烷化苏玛罐)
货号 | 描述 | 体积 |
YW-1-S-01 | 无阀 | 1 L |
YW-1-S-2R-02 | 2-通 RAVE 阀门 | 1 L |
YW-1-S-2SR-03 | 2-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 | 1 L |
YW-1-S-3R-Y-04 | 3-通 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 1 L |
YW-1-S-3SR-Y-05 | 3-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 1 L |
YW-3-S-06 | 无阀 | 3 L |
YW-3-S-2R-07 | 2-通 RAVE 阀门 | 3 L |
YW-3-S-2SR-08 | 2-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 | 3 L |
YW-3-S-3R-Y-09 | 3-通 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 3 L |
YW-3-S-3SR-Y-10 | 3-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 3 L |
YW-6-S-11 | 无阀 | 6 L |
YW-6-S-2R-12 | 2-通 RAVE 阀门 | 6 L |
YW-6-S-2SR-13 | 2-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 | 6 L |
YW-6-S-3R-Y-14 | 3-通 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 6 L |
YW-6-S-3SR-Y-15 | 3-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 6 L |
YW-15-S-16 | 无阀 | 15 L |
YW-15-S-2R-17 | 2-通 RAVE 阀门 | 15 L |
YW-15-S-2SR-18 | 2-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 | 15 L |
YW-15-S-3R-Y-19 | 3-通 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 15 L |
YW-15-S-3SR-Y-20 | 3-通 Siltek-处理 RAVE 阀门 仪表* | 15 L |
*仪表的范围是 -30" 到 60 psi。
不要超过金属罐的*大压力 40 psig。
来自于 Restek公司处理的涂层
• Siltek®—的钝化处理表面, 是从玻璃到高镍合金,硫,汽车尾
• Sulfinert®—当分析亿分之几水平的含有机硫化合物的金属部件时,
• Silcosteel®-CR—耐腐蚀层,能增加系统组件在含有盐酸、硝酸,或
TO-Can 电抛光苏玛罐
Alicat M 系列流量校准器
Ashcroft 测试仪表
1. Connect the canisters to the cleaning system, release any pressure within any of them, and evacuate them. Based on EPA Method TO-15, the ultimate vacuum achieved during cleaning should always be<0.2 mm Hg.
2. After the canisters have been under vacuum for approximately 1 hour, pressurize them with humidified nitrogen to 5 psig (0.34 bar) (if they will be heated during cleaning) or to 30 psig (2.0 bar) (if they will not be heated). Caution: If heat is used during cleaning, use humidified nitrogen only—do not use air. Cleaning SilcoCan canisters with humidified air and heat above 80 °C may damage the fused silica surface, resulting in reduced recoveries of sulfur and other reactive compounds. Pressurization will dilute the contaminants and the water vapor will hydrolyze them. When the system has equilibrated at the designated pressure, proceed to step 3 (heating), or step 4 (no heat).
3. Heat the pressurized canisters to the appropriate temperature. A Restek SilcoCan canister fitted with a gauge can be heated to 120 °C; a canister without a gauge can be heated to140 °C.**
Note: These temperature limits only apply using an inert gas like nitrogen. If using air, all SilcoCan canisters must be cleaned at 80 °C or below.
4. Allow the canisters to equilibrate for at least 1 hour. Evacuate the canisters to remove the impurities, then allow them to equilibrate for 1 hour.
Repeat steps 2–4 as necessary. The number of cycles will be determined by how dirty the canisters are and how easily they clean. Without heat, the number of cycles required to clean the canisters may be higher.