Pinnacle DB IBD UHPLC 液相色谱柱(USP L68)(Restek)
面议Pinnacle DB PAH UHPLC 液相色谱柱(Restek)
面议HPLC 色谱柱筛板 (Restek)
面议3M Empore Carbon 活性炭固相萃取膜片
面议CDS Empore Carbon 活性炭固相萃取膜片
面议Dionex AS-DV 自动进样器样品瓶套装-带滤芯(Thermo )
面议Teknokroma 2t 空间采样器/顶空进样器
面议YCA-1000(AFG) 全自动原子吸收分光光度计 (豫维)
面议Aqua Trace ASPE899 全自动固相萃取装置(GL)
面议SilcoCan 硅烷化苏玛罐 (豫维)
Titansphere TiO填料,是将(TiO2)做为骨架结构的全新型HPLC用球状凝胶填充剂. 是一款产业化了的凝胶色谱填料.以下为色谱填料。
Titansphere TiO填料是一种在碱条件下也同样能够使用的,与硅胶有着不同吸附特性的填充剂。其主要特点如下:
操作方法全部为离心操作,几乎没有人为误差。处理时间约40分钟,可在短时间内完成精制? 浓缩。
Titansphere TiO 填料是能够选择性地精制 浓缩磷酸化肽的高性能填料。使用拟南芥细胞提取物,与市售IMAC 进行了比较,磷酸化肽的总峰面积约2.6 倍、肽鉴定数约1.8 倍,可检测到大部分磷酸化肽。
Spherically shaped porous particle “Titansphere TiO” (Titanium Dioxide ; TiO2) is a high-performing bulk material to enrich and purify phosphopeptides selectively.
Efficient purification from HeLa Cell Lysate
The graph below shows the superior performance of Titansphere TiO using the HeLa Cell Lysate consisting mainly of non-phosphorylated peptides. Titansphere TiO shows exceptional selectivity – almost 90% of the bound peptides were phosphopeptides, and excellent capacity for total phosphopeptide binding. Whereas a competitive TiO product binds mainly non-phosphorylated peptides and a much lower total number of discrete phosphopeptides.
Sample: HeLa Cell Lysate, Sample volume: 50 μg, Titansphere TiO volume: 1 mg
Comparison of Titansphere TiO and IMAC
The graph below shows the comparison of Titansphere TiO and IMAC enrichment using Arabidopsis cell extract. Titansphere TiO provides substantially higher total capacity and a much higher number of isolated phosphopeptides.
Sample: Arabidopsis Cell Extract, Sample volume: 100 μg, Titansphere TiO volume: 1 mg
Example of how to make a Titanium Column
? Cut the Empore Disk C8 and put it at the tip of the 200ul pipette tip to be used as a filter.
? Stir and suspend the Titansphere TiO atCH3CN/H2O=80/20.v/v then load it to the tip.
(Adjust the amounf of the beads depending on the purpose)
? Pressure the tip by a plastic syringe.
Description | Titansphere TiO |
Particle Size | 5 μm, 10 μm |
Particle Shape | Spherical |
Adsorption Spot | Titanium Dioxide Crystal |
Pore Size | 100 A (10 μm) |
pH Range | 2 - 12 |
Gravity | 1.74 |
Phosphorylate | Non - Phosphorylate | |
Titansphere TiO | 846 | 198 |
IMAC | 474 | 379 |
Description | Volume | Cat.No. |
Titansphere TiO 5 μm | 500 mg | 5020-75000 |
Titansphere TiO 10 μm | 500 mg | 5020-75010 |
* Titansphere Phos-TiO Bulk 10 um | 500 mg | 5010-21315 |
* New material for higher purification efficiency of Phosphopeptides
Description | Quantity | Cat.No. |
Empore Disk C8, 47 mmDIA, 0.5 mm Thickness | 20 pcs | 5010-30002 |
Empore Disk C8, 90 mmDIA, 0.5 mm Thickness | 10 pcs | 5010-30003 |
1. M. R. Larsen, T. E. Thingholm, O. N. Jensen, P. Roepstorff, and T. J.D. Jorgensen,
“Highly selective enrichment of phosphorylated peptides from peptide mixtures using titanium dioxide microcolumns”,
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2005; 4: 873-886.
*混合タンパク質 消化物からのリン酸化ペプチド 選択的濃縮条件の適化及び二酸化チタンカラムとIMACカラムとの性能比較
2. Jesper V. Olsen, Blagoy Blagoev, Florian Gnad, Boris Macek,
Chanchal Kumar, Peter Mortensen, and Matthias Mann.
“Global, In Vivo, and Site-Specific Phosphorylation Dynamics in Signaling Networks”
Cell 127, 635-648, November 3, 2006.
3. Brend Bodenmiller, Lukas N Mueller, Murkus Mueller, Bruno Domon & Ruedi Aebersold.
“Reproducible isolation of distinct, overlapping segments of the phosphoproteome”
Nature Methods. Vol.4 No.3, 231-237(2007)
4. Naoyuki Sugiyama, Takeshi Masuda, Kosaku Shinoda, Akihiro Nakamura, Masaru Tomita, Yasushi Ishihama
“Phosphopeptide Enrichment by Aliphatic Hydroxy Acid-Modified Metal Oxide Chromatography for NanoLC-MS/MS in Proteomics Applications”
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2007;6:1103-1109.
3M Empore disk C8 固相萃取膜片
Resprep-C18 and Resprep-C8 SPE Disks膜片