Fluke 707回路校验仪

Fluke 707Fluke 707回路校验仪

参考价: 面议

2022-11-04 16:40:28





产品概述: Fluke 707回路校验仪回路校准的超快速手持工具——Fluke 707回路校验仪(回路校验仪)是对电流回路进行校准、维修和维护的高性能解决方案。它新型的快速测量(Quick Click)旋钮,测量快速且易用。回路校验仪(回路校验仪)主要特点有: 使用快速测量(Quick Click)感应旋钮,单手即可操作;mA 电源、仿真和测量功能;0.015%的准确度和0.001 mA 的分辨率......


  • 主要特性

    Fluke 707回路校验仪(回路校验仪)组合了便捷的按钮和旋钮开关功能,具有如下功能:

    • 大的显示屏,快速按钮界面,单手即可操作

    • 同时显示mA读数和百分比读数,读数方便。

    • 0.015%的mA 准确度,明显由于同价位的其它回路校验仪

    • 以1 µA 的分辨率进行mA 供电、仿真和测量

    • 按键控制25%步进值,方便线性检测。

    • 0-99% 的“跨度检查 功能,进行快速的零点和跨度检查。

    • 毫安信号发生器可选慢速、快速斜坡、步进功能,提供连续平滑输出以测试回路和阀滑动

    • 提供24V回路电源,可给变送器供电,并测量其输出,不用携带数字多用表。

    • 回路校验仪(毫安信号发生器)可测量高达28 V的直流电压。

    • 单节 9V 电池,无需破坏校准铅封即可更换电池

    • 0 - 20 mA 或 4 - 20 mA 默认启动模式

    • 创新的输出调节拨盘,具有1 µA 和 100 分辨率

    • 回路校验仪可HART ™ 模式在24V回路中串联 250 Ω的电阻,和HART通信装置兼容

  • Main characteristics

    Fast loop calibration/loop calibration handheld tool can be calibrated by pressing a button.

    Fluke 707 Circuit Calibrator (Circuit Calibrator) combines convenient button and knob switch functions. It has the following functions:

    Large display screen, fast button interface, one-handed operation

    It also displays mA and percentage readings, which are convenient to read.

    The accuracy of 0.015% mA is obviously due to other circuit calibrators at the same price level.

    Power supply, simulation and measurement of mA with resolution of 1 A

    Keyboard control 25% step value, convenient for linear detection.

    0-99% span checking function, fast zero and span checking.

    The milliampere signal generator can choose slow speed, fast ramp and step function to provide continuous smooth output to test circuit and valve sliding.

    It provides 24V circuit power supply, which can supply power to the transmitter and measure its output without carrying a digital multimeter.

    Circuit calibrator (milliampere signal generator) can measure up to 28 V DC voltage.

    A single 9V battery can be replaced without destroying the calibrated lead seal.

    0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA default startup mode

    Innovative output adjustment dial with 1 A and 100 resolution

    Loop Checker can connect 250_resistors in series in 24V circuit in HART mode, which is compatible with HART communication device.

  • 上一篇:HDKS-H全自动开口闪点测定仪使用方法
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