Fluke 709H精密回路校验仪

Fluke 709HFluke 709H精密回路校验仪

参考价: 面议

2022-11-06 15:27:41





Fluke 709H 校验仪设计有一个用户友好型界面和一个 Quick-Set 旋转编码器旋钮。该工具减少了电压、电流的测量或输出时间及回路的加电时间。保护性皮套特别适合技术人员手握,大型背光显示屏易于阅读,甚至能在黑暗、狭促的工作区域读屏。


  • Fluke 709H 校验仪设计有一个用户友好型界面和一个 Quick-Set 旋转编码器旋钮。该工具减少了电压、电流的测量或输出时间及回路的加电时间。保护性皮套特别适合技术人员手握,大型背光显示屏易于阅读,甚至能在黑暗、狭促的工作区域读屏。 709H 校验仪的特点:

    • 0.01% 读数精度

    • 设计小巧耐用,依靠 6 节标准的 AAA 电池供电

    • 直观的用户界面,Quick-Set 旋钮可快速设置,易于使用

    • 内置 HART 通讯用 250 Ω 可选电阻器

    • 24 V 直流回路电源,带有 mA 测量模式 (-25% ~ 125%)

    • 电流量程分辨率为 1 µA,电压量程分辨率为 1 mV

    • 所有测量均采用简单的双线连接

    • 自动关机以延长电池寿命(关机时间最长可调至 30 分钟)

    • 可变步进和斜坡时间(秒)

    • 可调跨度选择(0 ~ 20 mA 或 4 ~ 20 mA)

    • 电子管测试(利用 % 键模拟所定义的 mA 值)

    HART 特定性能包括:

    • 快速传输校准数据。 709H/Track 软件/电缆能以 (.csv) 或 (.txt) 格式记录您设备上所有 HART 变送器的参数。

    • 可将数据记录在一个特定变送器上,便于排除故障。 数据记录工具具有 1 ~ 60 秒可选采集间隔,可记录 9800 条记录或 99 个单独会话。每个数据样本都含有 709H 测量值、全部四个过程变量及标准的状态条件。

    在通讯模式中,用户能够读取基本的装置信息,执行诊断测试并微调大多数 HART 变送器的校准。在过去,该操作只能借助一个专用通讯器、一个多功能校验仪或一个配有 HART 调制解调器的笔记本电脑来完成。Fluke 709H 能让几乎任何的技术人员维修和支持 HART 装置。

  • Fluke 709H calibrator is designed with a user-friendly interface and a Quick-Set rotary encoder knob. The tool reduces the measurement or output time of voltage and current and the charging time of the circuit. Protective leather jackets are especially suitable for technicians to hold. Large backlight displays are easy to read, even in dark and narrow working areas. The characteristics of 709H calibrator:

    0.01% reading accuracy

    Designed to be compact and durable, powered by six standard AAA batteries

    Visual user interface, Quick-Set knob can be quickly set up, easy to use

    250 Optional Resistors for Built-in HART Communication

    24 V DC circuit power supply with mA measurement mode (-25%-125%)

    The current range resolution is 1 A and the voltage range resolution is 1 mV.

    All measurements are made by simple two-wire connection.

    Automatic shutdown to extend battery life (up to 30 minutes)

    Variable step and slope time (seconds)

    Selection of adjustable span (0-20 mA or 4-20 mA)

    Electron tube test (using% bond to simulate defined mA values)

    HART specific performance includes:

    Fast transmission of calibration data. 709H/Track software/cable can record all HART transmitter parameters on your device in (.csv) or (.txt) format.

    Data can be recorded on a specific transmitter to facilitate troubleshooting. The data recording tool has an optional acquisition interval of 1-60 seconds and can record 9800 records or 99 individual sessions. Each data sample contains 709H measurements, all four process variables and standard state conditions.

    In communication mode, users can read basic device information, perform diagnostic tests and fine-tune the calibration of most HART transmitters. In the past, this operation could only be accomplished by a dedicated communicator, a high-end multi-functional calibrator or a laptop computer equipped with a HART modem. Fluke 709H allows almost any technician to repair and support HART devices.

  • 上一篇:HDKS-H全自动开口闪点测定仪使用方法
    热线电话 在线询价
