LP6401AF24 微源同步降压稳压器 内置功率MOS管
面议英集芯 IP6335 便携式电风扇电源IC 三档电压可调
面议代理普诚 RS1117A 低压差正电压调节器
面议特殊电流调节器 PT1901 PCT普诚 原装现货
面议原装现货 PT3323 普诚2-VRMS音频线路驱动器
面议代理 PT6923 普诚电流调节器 用于驱动高压LED
面议智威原装 LSR40MF 快速恢复桥式整流器
面议LS120M 智威桥式整流器 代理商深圳供应
面议微源 LP6270 用于LCD偏置的双输出电源IC
面议ETA80033PDJI 钰泰快充电源IC PDFN5x6封装
面议LPW5209 微源2.4A电源开关芯片
面议General Description
The G920 is a three terminal positive voltage regulator made using the CMOS process. The G920 can work in a wide operation range from 6V to 25V. The quiescent current is small even at high input voltage. The typical current consumption is about 4.5μA. It is very suitable for the battery-powered portable equipment, especially the keep-alive system. The G920 can provide the higher performance and a longer battery service life.
■ Low current consumption (typically 4.5μA)
■ Output voltage accuracy ±2.5%
■ Drop-output voltage (typically)
2.5V @ 50mA loading
1.6V @10mA loading
■ Wide operating range (max 25V)
■ Internal over temperature protection
■ Excellent line regulation
Regulation <5mV @1mA loading VCC 6~25V
■ Good load regulation
Regulation: (typically)
40mV @VCC 7V loading 1μA to 30mA