
CNS SIMDIS烃硫氮模拟馏程分析仪

参考价: 面议

2024-08-23 07:59:31





烃硫氮模拟馏程分析仪 产品报价:面议 品牌:PAC AC 原产地:欧洲 型号:CNS SIMDIS


The AC Analytical Controls® CNS SIMDIS for Crude Oil is the most advanced analyzer on the market to simultaneously determine the boiling range distribution of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur in crudes and final products.

The CNS SIMDIS for Crude Oil is built around recognized simulated distillation (SIMDIS) methods, but also incorporates additional Chemiluminescence detectors. Its analysis data correlates with traditional measurement methods at a fraction of the time and cost. The CNS SIMDIS for Crude oil is comparable to methods such as ASTM D2887, D6352, D7500, and D7169 test methods.

With its ease of use and ability to quickly and accurately analyze a wide variety of crude products, the CNS SIMDIS for Crude Oil enables refineries to increase their laboratory productivity, production, and overall profitability.

ApplicationsSimulated Distillation, Crude

Features & Benefits

Simple Operation

  • Integrated software that allows users to completely control the application

  • Automated analysis including:

    • specific calibration

    • validation

    • sample analysis

    • data reporting

  • No extensive software knowledge required

  • A suite of customizable reports available at the push of a button

Wide Boiling Range Coverage

  • Analyzes a wide variety of crude products, including everything from heavy gas oils to naphtha.

  • When combined with the unique AC Analytical Controls Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) Front End (FE) solution, the hydrocarbon distribution profile can be extended to include fractions under C9 (BP<151C) in the 1 report.

Excellent Analysis Performance

  • A post column vent for heavy component fractions protects nitrogen and sulfur detectors and avoids heavy residue build up

  • Excellent sensitivity and stability of the Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector (SCD) and Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detector (NCD) detects levels below 50 ppm depending on element and sample type

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