数字示波器 DL4200 / DL4100
面议YOKOGAWA 7651 直流电压电流发生器/电子负载
面议频谱分析仪 E4406A
面议双通道功率计 Agilent E4419B (配探头 8481A)
面议手机综测仪 HP8922M+83220E
面议1GHz 数字示波器 LeCroy LC574AL
面议数字存储示波器 LeCroy 9354AL/9354TM
面议音频分析仪 UPA3
面议视频分析仪 UAF
面议矢量信号分析仪 HP89410A(89441A)
面议无线电综合测试仪 Willtek 4032 STABILOCK
面议美国TEK 100MHz-1G二手模拟示波器
The low residual FM and excellent phase noise performance of these signal generators make them ideal for many in-channel and even out-of-channel receiver tests. The 8657A/B is a versatile signal generator offering a variety of features, such as simultaneous and mixed modulation combinations of AM and FM, as well as a carrier phase adjust capability that allows you to characterize phase-sensitive devices.