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2017-12-16 09:07:45






丹富斯黄铜平衡阀是一种特殊功能的阀门,阀门本身物特殊之处,只在于使用功能和场所有区别。 在某些行业中,由于介质(各类可流动的物质)在管道或容器的各个部分存在较大的压力差或流量差,为减小或平衡该差值,在相应的管道或容器之间安设阀门,用以调节两侧压力的相对平衡,或通过分流的方法达到流量的平衡,该阀门就叫平衡阀。黄铜平衡阀,丝扣平衡阀性能



平衡阀是一种特殊功能的阀门,阀门本身物特殊之处,只在于使用功能和场所有区别。 在某些行业中,由于介质(各类可流动的物质)在管道或容器的各个部分存在较大的压力差或流量差,为减小或平衡该差值,在相应的管道或容器之间安设阀门,用以调节两侧压力的相对平衡,或通过分流的方法达到流量的平衡,该阀门就叫平衡阀。  黄铜平衡阀,丝扣平衡阀性能



丹富斯平衡阀的产品特点:        黄铜平衡阀,丝扣平衡阀性能











平衡阀的原理是阀体内的反调节,当入口处压力加大时,自动减小通径,减少流量的变化,反之亦然。如果反接,这套调节系统就不起作用。而且起调节作用的阀片,是有方向性的,反向的压力甚至可以减少甚至封闭流量。 既然安装平衡阀是为了更好的供暖,就不存在反装的问题。如果是反装,就是人为的错误,当然就会纠正。平衡阀属于调节阀范畴,它的工作原理是通过改变阀芯与阀座的间隙(即开度),改变流体流经阀门的流通阻力,达到调节流量的目的。平衡阀相当于一个局部阻力可以改变的节流元件,对不可压缩流体,由流量方程式可得。

   The principles of selecting Dan fuss balance valve:
Balancing valve is a special feature of the valve, the valve itself is only a special place, use function and field all the difference. In some industries, because the medium (all kinds of flowable substance) in different parts of a pipeline or a container exist a larger pressure difference or differential flow, in order to reduce the difference between or balance, the corresponding pipe or container install valve, used to adjust the relative balance of pressure on both sides, or to a flow balance by shunt method is called, the valve balancing valve.
(1), linear flow characteristics: namely in the valve before and after the pressure under the condition of unchanged, flow and opening roughly a linear relationship;
(2), a lock opening device: non management personnel can not change the opening degree; table connection, can conveniently display before and after the valve pressure difference and flow through the valve flow. Although the balance valve has many advantages, but its application in air conditioning water system there are still many problems. If these problems are solved, the characteristics of the balance valve is not fully apparent. Dan role Fusi balance valve to regulate and control system, the various distribution points (such as each gallery) scheduled traffic. The entrance of each floor are the installation of balancing valve, can make the total flow of the heating system to obtain the reasonable allocation.
Product features Dan fuss balance valve:
1, the ideal regulation performance
The cut-off function, excellent 2
3, accurate to the open state of 1/10 circle display
4, the theory of flow characteristic curve as the percentage of properties such as curve
5, corresponding to each full circle has caused by flow coefficient fixed, as long as the measurement of the pressure difference across the valve debugging, you can conveniently calculate the flow through the valve flow
6, PTFE and silicone sealing, reliable sealing performance
7, rising stem, without reservation operation space
8, it is a kind of combination valve.
Key points of installation of balancing valve Dan fuss:
Static balance valve operation is complex, the regulation to be equipped with smart meters, even with professional and technical personnel of user traffic coupled phenomenon is also very difficult to use the user equilibrium. The use of valves and valve KV value curve to determine the valve opening static balancing valve is a common old water balance products, it is suitable to heat the main variable flow systems. Regulation among user flow of mutual coupling, true to heat large users adjust the balance is difficult to achieve.
The principle of balance valve is the counter regulatory body, when the pressures at the entrance, automatically reduce the diameter to reduce the flow of change, and vice versa. If the reverse, this control system will not work. And regulate the role of the valves, is directional, pressure and even reverse flow can be reduced or even closed. Since the installation of balancing valve in order to better heating, there is no anti loading problem. If it is reversed, that is human error, will of course correction. The balance valve which belongs to the scope of control valve, its working principle is by changing the gap of the spool and the valve seat (i.e. opening), change the flow resistance of fluid flow through the valve to achieve the purpose of regulating traffic. Balancing valve throttling element is equivalent to a local resistance to change, the incompressible fluid, the flow equations can be obtained.


上一篇:JD745X多功能水泵控制阀工作原理及特点 下一篇:生活供水管网安全持压泄压阀设计选型
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